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Zombies Took Over My Blog

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For this assignment, we had to remake logos to be more fitting for the zombie apocalypse.  I did a couple of them for fun.


Brano, for cleaning your brain filled pipes (or maybe to clear out your chest).  For this one, I took the Drano logo and just made the d into a b in gimp.  It was really easy and I only used the paintbrush to draw a line and the eraser to make the little indent for the b.  That was it.


On this one, I just made some brain-flavored pringles.  Not too hard of a task.  I took the Pringles logo and opened it in gimp.  Then I used the oval selection tool to delete round pieces in the head, making them look like teeth marks.  Then I used the Pencil Tool and outlined the circles in black so there would be an outline just like the rest of the image.  After that, I opened a brain in as a new layer by going to File>Open As Layers.  From there, I just moved the brain around so that part of it was sticking out, and the rest was within the head.  Then I used the layers dialog (control+L) to lower the brain behind the head so it was only visible in the tiny part.  You can just click and drag for this.

THEN I rotated both corners of the mustache down in attempt to make the mustache look like a frown.  It didn’t really work, but I’ll explain anyway.  First, I used the Smart Select Tool to cut around half of the mustache.  Then I rotated the mustache using the Rotate Tool (Shift+R).  Then I did the same thing to the opposite side, taking special note of angle I had rotated the other half, mirroring it in this half.  After some moving around, I completed the connection and used the sharpen tool (Shift+U) to clean up the edges.  Unfortunately I had empty space on the face that was uncovered and I just filled that in by first selecting the correct color using the Color Picker (Shift+O, but regular white would’ve worked), and then the Bucket Fill (shift+B) to make everything white again.  And that’s how I did it.  Unfortunately I couldn’t think of a clever name to change it to.  The only thing I could think of was Dingles.  And that’s just dumb.

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