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The Perfect Truth

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For my next design assignment, I clicked on the “random” button. I tried reading through all of the assignments and picking which one I wanted to do, but I couldn’t pick!!

The assignment I was given was If Movie Posters Told the Truth (***) Boy, do I wish this was true! I watched a movie the other day and I thought of it right away when I was reading the assignment details. Here is the original movie poster.

true movie poster

Yes. Pitch Perfect is a funny movie. I laughed and cried…yadda yadda. However, this movie is “perfect” for this assignment! Here is my truthful poster for this movie:

true movie poster FINAL

I did this assignment in GIMP. I started off by covering the original movie title. You can kind of see where I covered it because it gets kind of ‘choppy’ at the bottom. I tried using the spray paint feature to cover that up. I also matched the font as best as I could to the original font because I wanted to make it look as real as possible.

I really enjoyed this assignment because it is something everyone can relate to! Like many other assignments I do for this class, this one can be used in my future classroom. Kind of like a book report? Or a final project?

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