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Bumper Sticker

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For my next assignment I decided to do ds106 Bumper Stickers which is worth two stars. As soon as I saw this assignment I knew that I had to recreate this bumper sticker

bumper sticker

As a resident of Virginia, I see this bumper sticker EVERYWHERE.   I guess the Outer Banks is a popular popular vacation destination for people around here and that every feel like they need to get a bumper sticker when they go.

To make this into a ds106 bumper sticker I started by editing the previous words off the of bumper sticker in gimp.


I then went to the website myfonts to find a font similar to the one that was used in the original bumper sticker.  My results showed that Microsoft Trebuchet was a close match so I used that when I added my new words to the bumper sticker.


I first added ds106 where OBX was previously located and then added 4life where it had said outerbanx NC.

Here’s my final result:


Four stars left!

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