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Domino (2005)

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I used the same movie for three of the five assignments from the design assignments.  I’m not sure if anyone has seen it, but I hope so or none of these are going to make sense!

The design blitz we did helped me to really identify different elements of design in advertisements and on objects.  Creating things that contained those elements was a whole different stories — I really struggled with it!

The first design assignment I did was One Story/Four Icons.

four pictures

The movie I chose is Domino (2005).  Domino Harvey is the main character, and she wears a domino necklace, which is the first object.  The second is a goldfish.  In the film, she learns early on to never become attached to anything because whatever you let get close eventually leaves or dies.  She learned this lesson when her mother gave her a goldfish when her father died, and then the goldfish died.  She has it tattooed onto her neck.  The next symbol is money – she was born into wealth but abandoned most of it and struggled for money.  She unwillingly became involved in a scam to get someone else a lot of money to pay for an operation, and then she and the others who were dragged into it found out and came up with a scheme to steal the money, give it to an impoverished country (where one of the other characters was from), and blow up the people who dragged them into it (they were violent people, to be fair. Not as out of nowhere as it sounds).  In the end, they blow up the space needle in Washington state, which is what the dynamite is for.  See? Domino in four symbols.

The next assignment was a movie playing card.

domino card

I chose the main character in the movie, Domino.  Not much to say here.  She was a bounty hunter though, which explains the gun.

The third of the three assignments I used Domino for was making a postcard for a place in a movie or fictional story.




I had an easier time with the front of the card than with the back of it.  It was pretty difficult finding a postmark.  Actually, I couldn’t find one at all (that I could figure out how to effectively use) so I settled for drawing my own one.  It looks kind of weird.  I used 1987 though because in the movie, Domino had not yet moved from England to join her mother in Los Angeles.  She was still in England.  The quote at the bottom of the front of the card is a quote Domino says during the movie while talking about her life in England.  As for the note to her mother, Domino’s mother married a man in America for his money and moved to LA.  Domino’s mother was obsessed with Beverly Hills 90210 (part of the cast of the original 90210 actually are two of the main characters), which is why I used the description of London’s skyline at the top of the back of the card.  Domino hated the show and its actors.


It was a lot of fun trying to implement the design elements into the post card, but I tried.  Hard to tell how effective it was though.  Either way, it’s clear to me that I have a lot of practice to do!

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