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I do ds106 on a Daily Basis…

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It’s daily create time!!! Once again, I found myself lacking the time to write up a blog post about the daily creates during the day, but I did have the opportunity to do them throughout the week, so that is good! So here is a collection of daily creates that I have completed during the week.

So to start this week off I decided to do Monday’s Daily Create which called for taking a picture of something cozy in a blanket. Right away I knew what I wanted to do. I have a monster in my closest. Seriously, just call me Boo. Last year I got a strange Halloween present from my volleyball coach which was a ghost/goblin/monster thing. I have no heart to throw anything away (which is why my room is full of clutter), so he hangs out in my closet and scares away other people. I decided that I wanted to put this ghost in my sheets, however I did not like the way he looks with my polka dotted sheets, so I went to my roommates bed and used her sheets. The coloring worked a lot better with his complexion and I liked the lighting in her room better (check out me with my photography skills). So my monster went from my closet to my roommate’s bed. Check it out for yourself!

There's a Monster In My Bed!

Next on the agenda for the week was Thursday’s Daily Create where I edited a photo in order to make it look more nostalgic. This picture is from my freshman year at school here where our hall was having a banquet to help earthquake relief victims. It was an extremely fun night where it was snowing outside so we went outside and had a photo shoot after that. It was one of my favorite nights at Mary Washington and it was with friends that I hope I will have forever. The girl that is in this picture was only here freshman year and then she transferred out. We still talk very often and I’m very grateful for that. While editing this photo on iPiccy, I decided to add a quote about friendships that happen over a distance, which helps to tell the story of our friendship. I’m glad that I can be weird with other people and just be myself with her, even if she is in Illinois. So, here is my masterpiece of a nostalgic photo of one of my favorite memories.

Friendship doesn't know Distance

Finally, my last daily create was done on Saturday when I got to create a bumper sticker for ds106. I really enjoyed doing this one, and I wanted to do a play off of the COEXIST bumper sticker that plays off of different religions, but I decided to do the different types of assignments that there are in the ds106 land. I simply just looked at the home page of the assignment bank and took a screenshot of it and pasted it into paint. I only used a few of the icons and I added text on top of it on Paint. I really liked what I ended up with, and I think that it could work as a bumper sticker.

bumper sticker

Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa

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