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they both start with “M”

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I spent a very long time trying to come up with a six-word memoir to describe my life.  Unfortunately my drawing skills are far behind my ability to think up images in my head, so I ended up having to phone a friend.  Her response: “moose, duh.”

It’s true though.  Seems simple, but it’s kind of perfect for my memoir.  I have always loved moose.  I want a dog named moose.  I grew up wanting to live in Canada because they have moose.  Almost considered switching majors so I could go to New York for grad school and study moose populations.  I had a necklace with a small moose on it that I wore almost every day for a couple of years until it broke.  (I’m currently settling for moving to Oregon.  They have elk.)

Anyway, moose are pretty relevant to my life, so here is my memoir:



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