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Not So Silent Chaplin

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For this assignment, we had to make a Foley sound for a Charlie Chaplin video.  For all of you that don’t know what a Foley sound is, here’s a video on it.

And here’s a link to the video that we were assigned to make the sounds for:

Being that I was born in May, I had to make the sounds for the 2:01 mark to the 2:30 mark of the sounds.  We had to do the whole thing in one take.  Here’s what I ended up with.

Having only one take to do this in, I found it really hard to gather all the things I wanted to do during the small amount of thirty seconds.  I ended up just using stuff at my desk because it was honestly just as good as anywhere else I could have done it in.  I don’t think the sounds for the lion ended up being done very well because the footsteps were hard to do, not really knowing what a lion sounds like when walking and everything.  I also tried not to talk too much because Charlie’s lips never really moved so I tried to stick to noises like sighing and panting and an “uhhh” thrown in there as well.  I think my best sound however was the large meow that I gave for the lion when he was playing around at about the 2:20 mark.  Challenging assignment overall.

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