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I have rekindled my love for Gossip Girl. (Thank God for Netflix!!)

I came across this 3-star assignment for “Movie Voice Machines” where you pick a movie/tv character and create their voicemail message.

Since I may or may not have watched 4 episodes of Gossip Girl today, I decided I would pick a character from the show. I think, for anyone that watches the show, we all love the line “xoxo, Gossip Girl,” or maybe it’s just me. Either way, I decided I’d do the voicemail for the infamous  ”Gossip Girl.”

I recorded my voice in Audacity and then downloaded the Gossip Girl theme song from Youtube. After importing it into Audacity, I cut the parts I wanted and layered them in to audacity. Ta da! You know have a voicemail message for Gossip Girl!

Gossip Girl Voice message

So, Spill. What do you think? Would the true Gossip Girl approve?



Star Total: 6/5

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