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Daily Creates: All six of ‘em

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For this week’s weekly summary, we were required to complete 6 daily creates. This is more than usual, but it was also over the course of three weeks, so there was plenty of options. Let’s recap:

Take a picture of something you collect

While I have never avidly collected anything in my life other than baseball cards when I was younger, I am a huge fan of IPA beer, and would consider the ongoing quest to try them all a collection. This is more of a mental collection, as I think it would be odd to collect old beer bottles. Whenever I select a beer, I try to choose an IPA that I have never had before. So, I would classify this as a ‘collection’. Here is the most recent selection:

IPA beers.


Describe one unusual small thing that brings you joy

As I have reiterated many times previously, I am an enormous New York Jets fan. With that said, the New England Patriots franchise has been the cause of years of sorrow and frustration. Any chance I get to see them lose is extremely satisfying.

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What would it look like if your life flashed before you?

This assignment required a lot of thought, and some drawing skills (which I do not possess). I used a whiteboard, as it allowed me to quickly erase drawings I wasn’t satisfied with. The completed drawing consisted of a soccer ball, a UMW sign, the Australian continent, a street sign saying “Rowe Street”, a house, and a scuba diver. All through my childhood up until college soccer consumed my life, so that was an obvious piece of the drawing. The UMW sign is self-explanatory as that is where I attend college. The Australian continent drawing was included because of my study abroad experience there, which I spent in the city of Townsville. The Rowe Street sign was used because that is where I have lived the past year with 4 of my friends. The house drawn was supposed to represent the house I grew up in on Long Island, NY. Lastly, a scuba diver, because in recent years it has become one of my favorite things to do.

Life Flash


Write one line from a song that predicts how your day will go, another how it really went

This daily create was from one of my first days of spring break in Miami. While I woke up that morning with hopes of sunny weather, the day turned out to be rainy. The songs I chose were ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by The Beatles and  ‘Rainy Day’ by Coldplay.

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Take a photo out your best daydreaming window. Include the frame in your shot

This is the window directly in front of my desk. Not quite ‘daydreaming’ at this point, more ‘night-dreaming’, but nonetheless this is the window I gaze out of, regardless of time of day.

Night dreaming


Spell “create” using interesting materials/objects to form letters

I had some difficulty finding items in my room to spell ‘create’ with for this assignment. Ultimately, I used a bunch of multivitamins, and shaped them into the word. Here is the result.

Multivitamin create

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