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Bump bump bumpers

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I did not know how to think about my bumper so I just went with my gut feeling. First  thing was first I had to think about what I was going to say. I honestly had no idea so I just thought back what I heard on other radio stations but they were all too much going on I did not like it but they did give me some good ideas on what to do. So I wrote it down, then i was thinking how I would want my sound to be like and then I thought of my type of music to fit my mood and personality. Since I am the type of person that is always mellow and calm I thought that was what I should do mine as. So here it is:

Now when I showed my friends this they thought it was very sensual so I made another one (also cause it was so fun to do the first time around) this one has more action I guess you could say.

Which one do you like better?

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