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Daily Creates!

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Over the past 3 weeks (2 if you exclude Spring Break), I had to complete 6 daily creates.  At first, I read that as 6 daily creates for one week and I freaked out!  But after reading it again, I realized I only had to do 6 total for the 3 weeks.  Not NEARLY as bad!

The first daily create I did was to fold a piece of origami using a standard Post-It note.  This was very easy and a nice way to kick off the daily creates.  I made a fan using a post-it note I had in my bookbag by folding the pieces back and forth until I ran out of paper.  Then I took a photo of the origami and posted it to Flickr.

Origami Fan

The second daily create I completed was to spell “Create” using interesting materials/objects to form the letters.  I decided to use necklaces since I had an abundance of them and I thought the colours would be a great contrast against each other. It took me a bit longer than I thought it would because some of the necklaces were hard to maneuver and they kept falling, but I finally got them to spell “create”.


Over Spring Break, I did my third daily create, which was to take a photo looking out my best day dreaming window.  My best window was actually at school, but since I was at home, I made do with the back door.  I made sure to include the frame, as per the instructions, and I added some flair to it by making the photo look like a polaroid shot.

Day Dreaming Window

My fourth daily create, take a picture of something in your car and title the picture as if it’s a movie poster, was really quick and easy.  I took several photos in my car of the steering wheel, radio, and dashboard, but I decided to use the steering wheel because it was the only photo where I could think of a good title.  I used Picasa to create a black border around the photo and insert text saying “Out of Control”.  I made sure the text looked a little shaky to simulate the feeling of being out of control.

Out of Control

I collect stubs and tickets from movies, sports games, or just anything I’ve ever gone to (such as a show), so the fifth daily create I did was very easy.  It took me only a minute to take a picture of something I collect and post it to Flickr.  I had the stubs already pinned on my bulletin board, creating an arts and crafts feel to the photo which I hadn’t initially intended, but I like that it turned out that way.


Finally, my sixth daily create was to take a picture of myself making the weirdest face possible.  I first looked at what other people had posted and realized they weren’t really making the weirdest face they could.  I knew I could make an extremely weird face, but due to social pressure and conformity, I decided to lighten up and just make a semi-goofy face.  I just used my webcam to take this photo and then uploaded it to Flickr without any special editing.  It was a nice easy way to end the daily creates from the past 3 weeks.

Weird Face


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