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Do you want a time ray?!

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Commercials, commercials, commercials who ever likes commercials? I DOO duhh they are so cool. People make 30-45 seconds to persuade someone to buy a product I think it is genius cause it actually works. So when I got the chance to make a commercial I took that opportunity to make one for myself. I think that commercials have some qualities that make them actually commercial even if those qualities can be annoying like being too loud, I thought that was illegal but I still hear it today. They also have background music very slight, I was thinking about this because I do not want to hear tones I want to hear what the person is saying so I did not do music with mine that was a personal preference. I did mine on a  time ray because my radio show had to do with the future and the past and I was more to focus on the future. Without further adue here it is:

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