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Foley Silent Movie

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My final audio assignment for this week was the Foley Silent Movie assignment.  If I’m being honest I was totally dreading this assignment and put it off until last.  This assignment was to “generate foley sounds using objects you assemble or ones you can create with your own body for a 30 segment from this clip from the scene in the 1928 silent Charlie Chaplin film The Circus where The Tramp gets trapped in the lion cage.”  Here is the clip below that we had to generate sounds for.

Since I was born in March I had to make all sounds from 01:01 to 01:30.

I thought that it was going to quite difficult to come up with sounds for all of the parts of the clip but with the help of my sisters it was a lot easier than I had imagined.  We started off by watching the clip a few times to come up with ideas for each of the parts.  As we came up with ideas we wrote them down so we could remember them and decide who was going to do what.  After practicing a few times we went ahead and recorded it.  Luckily, the first time that we recorded it came out good so we didn’t have to do it more than once.  After recording it in Audacity I uploaded it to soundcloud and was ready to go.

Here is my sounds:

Hope you like it!

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