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Radio Show Commerical

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These past few weeks were taken up mainly by our radio shows.  While we ended up with just one final show, a lot of small things went into making it.  The first of these things was our commercials.  Even though we only had to use two in our show, we each made one so that we would have five to choose from.

Since Kaitlyn and I recorded our parts of our radio show together, we  decided to go ahead and record our commercials together as well.  It took us a long time to come up with exactly what we wanted our commercials to be about.  We tried to come up with something creative without it being too crazy.  For my commercial, we decided to do a one for a company that you could take song writing lessons from.  We thought this went well with our radio show since we were doing our show on Taylor Swift and who she wrote her next song about.

Here’s what we came up with!


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