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Where in the World?**

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Google Map Trip, worth 2 stars, called for me to tell a story of a trip I’d taken using Google Maps.  I chose this web assignment to increase the challenge on web storytelling and because I had just taken a trip today!

Google Maps

My team at UMW traveled to Poolesville, MD today to play American University.  We left the University (A) at 8am and stopped at WaWa (B) to get breakfast (tradition).  Once we got food and drinks, we got on 95 N and drove for 1.5 hours until we reached Poolesville (C).  Unfortunately, once we got there, we discovered there were no toilets at the field (WHAT), so we quickly piled back into the vans and found the closest place with a bathroom…A church (D)…AWKWARD!! We then went back to the pitch (E) and played our games. On a side note, both our A & B sides won!  On our way back home, we zipped to a McDonald’s (F) before sitting in traffic on 95 before we got back to Uni (G).


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