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A Week In Review 3/17/-3/24

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CC Andrew Gainer

This week saw the conclusion of the Audio section and the introduction to the Visual section. The audio section was fun as I thoroughly enjoyed producing both audio pieces. I think I was able to make the assignments funny and entertaining while keeping the production decent. My biggest problems came with learning how to use Audacity however I was able to get more comfortable with the software the more I used it. The first couple visual assignment’s have been very fun to do. I have never used a photo-editing software before so it was cool to play around and see the different effects and filters that can be used. I don’t really know what I’m doing when I change filter settings however I can tell if I like the change I made and that is good enough for now. I think these visual creates will be very creative and I can tell I already like them more than the daily creates. 

3/18/2013 Audio Draft 1 : First draft of 1st radio assignment

3/19/2013 Audio Project 1 Final: Final draft of 1st radio assignment

3/19/2013 Audio Project 2 Final: Chief Keef’s favorite Vox Pop

3/23/2013 Visual Create #1: The battle of life is fought uphill

3/23/2013 Visual: Troll Quote: Abe Lincoln Troll Quote

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