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So when I found out that I had to do Storytelling within the Web I was so excited I did not know what to do because there is a lot of different things I could go with this. I was going to make a newly made couple one on Facebook like they were married and everything but then I did not want to ask them and I thought that it would be mean to do it without permission. Therefore I just decided to go with the theme on may radio show, well half of it anyways and do future outer space kind of thing. I went on amazon and found a random item well really asked my  friends what to pick out to change and I went with the average Q-tip. So In the beginning the site looked like this:


the q tip

And then here is my remixed one.

the tip q

I was thinking and I was like futuristic, alien, outer space and got what my remixed one is. The first thing that I changed was the price of the Q-Tips and mad them much much since prices are moving higher and higher I made it $500.00 and instead of shipping know that we are going to have teleportation down by then it is going to be free teleportation, isn’t that cool or what?! Instead of in stock I did in Atmosphere because technically that is true. And then instead of having it delivered within a couple of days it would be delivered instantly, and you could have one second shipping! If you have not noticed a pattern now it is that everything in the future will be faster. I also for no reason at all I took out the Add-On Items just because I did not like them. Oh I almost forgot I used the Hackasaurus’ X-Ray Goggles.

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