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Web Work

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Week 9

So this describes my week completely.

Hopefully after I turn in my documentary on the memory of the Civil War at Hollywood Cemetery on Tuesday, things will get better.

But you didn’t come here to complain about being a student.

Fab Five Radio Show

Okay. I just have to be biased because I’m rating my own show.

I consciously tried to make the volume even across the show despite nearly all of the members using different recording equipment. I also did my best to cut background noises like clicks and stuff out of people’s clips. This kind of worked along with my transitions. Usually the clicks happen at the end of clips, so I either cut them out or slowly reduced the volume of the clip to create a transition. Hopefully that came across to listeners!

None of us really used sound effects besides our transitions and clapping. Being live in a studio kind of necessitates that it’s a quiet space, something we accounted for. The only sound effects that I could think to include were things like people sniffling or sneezing, but even then, how many times have you heard that in a radio show?

Our show was all about the music. I originally had music behind everyone’s interviews, but I found it distracting when I listened back. So I took it all out except when introducing the artists, etc.

Our show is a touch “stitched together.” But I think, overall it sounds like we are in the same place, just using different mics.

I wish now that we’ve listened back to it that we decided on who the song is about. Maybe a random guy, I don’t know. But I didn’t feel like we had a conclusion. However! We did give it a bit of suspense by jumping to all these guys. I would want to listen to it!

And to CogDog who has never listened to Taylor Swift or T-Pain.

Hahaha! Thanks for having an open mind with us, though!

Of course, I’d give us ????? :D

Dot Commers Radio Show

This was actually one of the shows I didn’t listen to live. My first impression of the show was that it may be boring or that I’d actually have to listen to it without doing anything else. That’s hard for me.

So, I went back and listened to the show.

Clicks and keyboard typing were appropriate in this show. I think they were sound effects, though.

My biggest complaint about the show are those *BEEP*s! AHH!

My ears. Dear god. I would have suggested to lower the volume on those a bit.

I also would have suggested to move the cymbal/drum bits a little bit more away from the words they were following. I never could catch what the guy was saying–and why it was funny–because the drum set came in.

All of the other sound effects were really well done, though. Loved the Taylor Swift part with the goat. I’ve heard the song, but it was really “pro” putting it very muted in the background during that part.

The transitions were fantastic, though! Kept me updated on the story in case I didn’t understand something. The structure isn’t something I can readily picture in my head, but I followed it decently.

My only suggestion to keep it from seeming like you all recorded it at different times would be to have people talking over one another. In groups, I feel like that happens a lot–especially if people don’t get along real well.

Overall, I would give this show ????!

The Real Reddit

I took a webpage, used some of my great hacking skills, and changed it to say what I want it to say so the entire world could see the truth!

Okay, so I don’t have any hacking skills. I used X-Ray Goggles to just modify Reddit’s front page image for my readers’ viewing pleasure. I didn’t really change the actual site, just created a copy of it, if you will.

You can hear more about my adventures in my blog post all about it!

Web Assignments

This week, I had to complete 5 stars worth of web assignments from the assignment bank.

Here are the links to the actual assignment in the bank, followed by the link to my blog post about it.

What They Might Have Done in Social Media– ???– Henry VIII’s got SWAG

Way Back Time Machine – ?? — Way Back When

3-Part Daily Create Story

A little bit of a twist on our normal 3 daily create task. We had to create a story/narrative from our 3 daily creates this week.

I wrote a post about it here.

You can start the journey, by clicking here.

Recycling Media

I needed to find four pieces of unused media to “recycle.” This was so difficult! I wasn’t prepared for this at all. Not only do I never save things that I’m not going to use, but I got a new computer this week because my old laptop kept misbehaving.

I have a very limited amount of my files now.

So I had to choose some files that may be useless to most people.

A blue ribbon or banner.png

First, I chose a blue banner I made. I made this for the front of my website, but I don’t believe that I used it.

Cosmic Love and Two Way Street opening.wav

Then I found this mix that I made from two songs for our first bumper assignment. It was too short for me, though.


This was also something I was going to use on my main site, since I used it for my thesis presentation on women’s higher education. I did remake it for this class, so technically it was media I didn’t use for this class.

Titanium opening 13 secs.wav

This was another bumper opening that I just didn’t like enough to use.

 Self-Centered Sadie

This was incredibly difficult. As a future teacher and someone who is researching how teachers’ comments online can seriously affect your career, I have to be super careful about what I post online. My first thought was to do maybe a high school girl, but I didn’t want it to seem like I stereotype the students I work with. Soooo I thought about personas that stand out.

Self-centered people drive me crazy! They are always talking about mememememememe. “I did this. You are just like me.”

So I went to five random blog posts and started to talk about “herself” instead of the post, really.

I didn’t see anybody else’s personas on the comments, so I didn’t get to interact with anyone :(

Fandom Princess — A New Perspective
Coffee, Dogs, and Activism — Daydream Believer
Confessions of a Future Disney Princess — I Think I Talk Too Much
A Little All Over the Place — Radioooo Commercial
Lara Hampson — Lost in Translation

This was one fine blog post, if I say so myself!

I had a lot of fun messing with the web. I grew up with the web and got to see a lot of the development of it. So the assignment with the Way Back Time Machine was AWESOME for exploring that again. I just wish I would have known ahead of time to save some of my files for the remix week. I don’t like to save things that don’t work out. If they don’t work for the project I’m doing it for, what else would it work for? At least that was my train of thought. Oh well, I got four, so it worked out.

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