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Albums Without Sound and “The Non-Designer’s Design Book”

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I really enjoyed perusing the Albums Without Sound blog, which I found to be surprisingly creative and diverse in its creations, especially given that this artist takes their inspiration from random Wikipedia articles. My favorite so far has been the cover for “Mass Flow Rate.” I was first attracted to it because the picture was so beautiful, but I also enjoy the minimalism of the cover, as well as the vertical sans serif typeface. I’ve always been a sucker for any sort of title that follows the line of BOLDED FIRST PART UNBOLDED SECOND PART or some variation thereof, and I think that the artist executed this really well, especially in terms of placing and font color. I think both features complement the picture really well – it showcases the entire picture for the most part, and gives you the information you need in a visually pleasing way without disrupting the landscape behind it. I also like how it lines up with the sun – that’s a really nice feature. I’m not very good at symbolism or anything, but given that the name of the band is “Mass Flow Rate,” I can only connect it to the fact that the background image is water – but again, because this artist also choose the photo at random, it’s up to interpretation.

I’m glad that today’s reading was “The Non-Designer’s Design Book.” I come from zero design background, unless you count at 9th grade “photojournalism” class I took with a teacher that barely graduated from college, so I was happy to be presented with the basic principles of design, which I think will make the projects in the coming weeks, especially the final one, a little easier to take on. 

I especially enjoyed the “Proximity” chapter and examples with the business cards. I see some pretty terrible designs on business cards – in fact, at the restaurant I used to work at that had one of those “enter your business card for a free lunch” raffles didn’t choose cards at random, but based on how nice they looked. The author’s focus on how our eyes react to the layout and design reminded me how important audience reaction is to your design, and how I will need to keep this in mind in the future.

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