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Week One of Video Wrap-up

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Editing Tools-

I have a PC so for my editing tools I have Widows Movie Maker.  I have a bit of experience using Movie Maker in the past but not much.  I know the basic ins and outs but I do not know any of the more complicated tools yet.

3 Time Review-

For the three time review I used this clip from Pursuit of Happiness:

While I had always found it meaningful and powerful before, I found it so much more after analyzing it while just watching the video and while just listing to the audio. You can read all about my experience I had doing this here.

 Reading Movies-

For this assignment I had to take the same movie I used in the three time review, Pursuit of Happiness, and further review it.  I pulled out some interesting facts about the making of the movie (like did you know they took real homeless people and had them play the homeless people in the movie?), placed it in a genre, and even combined a few clips together.  You can read more about what I did here.

YouTube Genres- 

For my YouTube video I used the Call Me Maybe video that my swim team made this summer.  I felt that this video fit nicely into the category of parodies which was already created on our classes google doc.  You can watch the video and read more about this assignment here.

Future Video Assignments-

To help us prepare for next week, we had to come up with a couple video assignments that we are interested in doing next week.  I talked about why I choose the two ideas that I did and what sort of things I need to get organized to get ready for next week here.

Daily Creates-

This week we had to do two daily creates.  You can find mine here.

See ya’ll next week during video week part two.

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