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5 Second Film

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For my LAST video assignment I did five second film which was worth four and a half stars.  This assignment was to “make a supershort, 5-second film; basically enough time for one gag, bit, or joke.”

My family stopped by to visit this past weekend so I used my sisters to help me make this video.   I decided not to have a set plan for this one because it would have ended up being awkward and not even kind of funny if we had one.  We are plenty goofy enough without having a plan.

To record this video I used the iPhone app vine.  I talked about this app in an earlier post and explained exactly how you used it.

We were celebrating one of my sisters sixteenth birthday while she was here so the reason she has things like a crown and ribbon on is because of that.  She also is in LOVE with One Direction (which she will hate me if she knows I shared that on here) so she got a preteen magazine all about them as one of her gifts.  The five second video I ended up recording was her reading a part of an article out of her magazine about them.  After her reading that I took a short video of my other sister and my friend who were in the room which I think is what sells the video.

Hope you enjoy it!!

That’s seventeen and a half stars!!

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