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Living the Dream (Final Project Idea)

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After 3 days of thinking this week, I’ve finally discovered what I wanted to do for the final project! Throughout my 13 weeks of being apart of this class, I believe I’ve mentioned something My Little Pony related a good number of times. I’ve decided that this final project will be no different! Ladies and gentlemen take your seats and prepare to admire the crazy adventures of the fastest, toughest, and most energetic pony in all of Equestria, Rainbow Dash!

Living the DreamPoster

Pretty nice poster huh!

Okay so here’s the plan! I want to make a mashup of Rainbow Dash’s best scenes and have them explain how her determination and spirit brought her to the top of her class. Sort of a zero to hero kind of tribute.

The forms of media I plan to use are audio, design, and mashup. For the design portion, which I already got a jump on, I created a movie poster to advertise the “movie.” I made it in GIMP and used a vectored image of RD looking tough (this image was over 7000 pixels tall so naturally it crashed my weak browser when I opened it,) a picture of her cutie mark to go in her pupil, and a black border to wrap it all up. I also used one of her most known quotes that pretty much sums up her personality. The white background may not seem elaborate, but the video will be the complete opposite.

In the video, there will be multiple clips of RD demonstrating her agility, quickness, determination, and overall awesomness. Along with these clips will be an immense amount of flashy effects to lead her flashy flying moves. Actually there’s this image distortion effect that I’ve been dying to try that makes the video seem “ultra wide screen,” like the screen encases itself by extending farther on both sides (don’t know how else to explain it, but when you see it you’re gonna LOVE it!) There will also be clips of her ultimate idols, The Wonderbolts, the greatest team of flyers in the land and whom she’d do anything to meet and be apart of. The inclusion of the Wonderbolts in the video will remind us what RD is working toward.

For the video’s audio, I wanted to use a fanmade song called “The Wonderbolts Take Flight” by Kristen Cooper. I’m using this song because I personally know Kristen and can get permission to use it without getting sued for copyright or something. Plus this song has just the amount of energy I need without having words. Also, to overlay the music I’m going to have a handful of audio clips from some of the MLP episodes. Since the background music wont have words, you’ll be able to hear them.

As you can probably tell by now, I envy Dash’s courage and wish I could be like her, which is why she’s my absolute favorite pony and deserves an awesome tribute!. It’d also be the perfect way to top off the Ds106 experience.

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