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I Worked At a Movie Theater for 2 Years

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Yes it is true, I have spent two full summers working in the movie theater and I never have had a problem with popcorn. In fact, I love it. Sure I spent one day sitting in the movie theater until 3 in the morning popping popcorn, but it didn’t matter to me. I still ate popcorn the next day, but I just laid low on the butter.

Anyway, when it came to making my popcorn assignment for going on a ds106 vacation I was super excited! Until I realized that popcorn was the root of all evil. I really was not a fan of this method at all. At first I thought the whole idea of it was cool, but the execution of it came out very poorly. I was easily able to access the template and embed my media, but the youtube video stopped working! I have no idea why it kept happening, but from the looks of Twitter, people were having the same problem.

So welcome to my trip to Disney World

The media that I embedded was fairly simple, I decided to show the calculus integration by parts video for my proud assignment, since Dr. Levine really seemed to like that video (I mean calculus is involved so how could you not love it?).

Up next was to embed a song from SoundCloud, and I decided to do Chivas by Kelly Clarkson, which is a hidden song on her album My December. I decided to pick this one because it has the sound of being played on a record, plus I also love this song more than life itself. The talk of it being a long semester it totally true, and this is the song that I tend to listen to after a long day because it just puts me at ease.

Up next for the embedding was pretty simple with the apps to put in Twitter searches as well as Wikipedia and Google Maps, I just really did not enjoy how it did not work with the way that everything was located, which makes it not look as nice as I would have liked it to look, but I wanted to use the tools that were given to me with the program.

The next object that we needed to embed was an expensive thing to help us get money for the trip. While I do not condone the selling of ti-89 Titanium Plus Edition Graphing calculators, they are pretty expensive and could help chip in for a ticket or two at Disney World depending on who you are bringing and how many coupons they have.

Finally the last clip I decided to add was the Goofy hat. It took me a while to think of a hat that Dr. Levine would wear, but I think the goofy hat fits him (in the best way possible of course). I mean you have to go to Disney with a crazy hat or you just don’t get the same experience.

See you all in Disney!

Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa

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