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Remix Wrap Up

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I CANNOT believe that we have officially finished our last form of media.  It blows my mind that it is already the end of the semester (and the end of my time in college).  Here is what happened during the last two weeks of Remix/Mashup

What is Remix?

to start off these two weeks we looked at what Remix even is.  We looked at some examples of remix and some videos explaining what remix is.  We then recorded our own ideas about remix and put everything into a blog post.  Here is mine!

Vacation and Popcorn

Our next assignment was to use Mozilla Popcorn. I was quite concerned on how this was going to go after seeing the overwhelming negative response to popcorn on twitter.  Turns out I didn’t have any real issues with popcorn (and even ended up using it for another one of my assignments).  I had a bit of trouble figuring out popcorn at the beginning and it was occasionally extremely slow but other than that it was a pleasant experience.

You can find my whole post on this assignment here.

Recycled Media

For the next assignment, we took old media that we had recycled a couple weeks ago and made it into something new.  Luckily for me there seem to be a few others in this class to love Disney as well so I was able to do a Disney theme.

You can find my recycle post here.

Post-Photographic Portrait

This assignment was the one that I had the hardest time doing this week.  It wasn’t so much that I found the assignment hard, I just found coming up with a good idea hard.  After a bit of struggling I used one of his books for inspiration and was pretty pleased with what I came up with.  Check it out here.

Remix Generator

This week we had to remix two assignments together using the remix generator. The remixed assignment I got was Deserted Island, Countrify it. For this assignment I had to pick three items that I would take with me if I was going to be stuck on a deserted island but make it country themed.  Here is what I came up with.

Six Stars of Assignments

We also had to do six stars of remix assignments this week.  This was easily my favorite thing because we were able to be creative and pick assignments that we were interested in. For my stars I picked:

Final Project Idea

Last week we had to come up with an idea for our final project.  Mine naturally was about Taylor Swift. I am working on tweaking it a bit still but you can read about my idea here.


Overall, I am not 100% sure how I feel about Remix after this week.  I found it to be one of the most frustrating and difficult weeks that we have had yet but I also found it one of the most interesting.  The more and and more time I spent with remix the more I realized that it really is everywhere.  When I was watching different examples I kept thinking of examples that I had previously seen that would also be considered mash-ups.  I was particularly interested in the idea of music and mash-ups because the idea of mashing up songs has become quite popular lately (if you’ve ever seen pitch perfect it’s what they do for most of the movie).  I without a doubt am glad we learned about mash ups but I am not totally sure I would ever want to mash up something again myself.

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