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What Even is Remix?

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(Some how this got posted after my weekly summary.  I had some issues getting my audio to upload to soundcloud.  Sorry for any confusion!)

To start off this week we had to look at what remix even was (I promise I did this first, I just didn’t get around to recording it until now).  To do this we had to check out some references and examples of remixes.  For my examples I looked at Buffy vs. Edward, Star Wars Call Me Maybe, and my personal favorite  The Magic School Bus Movie Trailer

I loved watching all of these and we super impressed with them.  Watching these examples made me interested in seeing the reference videos to see what exactly remix was.

The two reference videos that I watched were A Fair(y) Use Tale and Everything is a Remix part 1 and part 3.  I was drawn to the Fair(y) Use Tale because the description said that Disney would be involved.  After watching it I had a better understanding on the whole idea of copyright (even though I must say I am happy I don’t have to deal with copyright laws very often, they seem confusing to say the least).  I then watched Everything is a Remix simply because the title sounded interesting.  How on earth could everything be a remix? But as I watched this video I got a better understanding of what the author meant and I even found myself agreeing with him.

But instead of just simply telling you what I learned in a blog post, I had to record it and tell you about it.  I used my friend Mia to help me record this audio.  I introduced the idea of remix and had her ask me what it meant.  Here is my audio about what remix means to me:



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