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Oh What A Night

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I guess I should say oh what a morning. I pulled an all-nighter in order to finish my final project, but it was from Monday to Tuesday, so it wasn’t due to procrastination. I just simply wanted to get it done and was on a roll and I am not one to stop academic and creative momentum, you just don’t mess with that.

My story changed around a lot. At first I didn’t notice that part about having a whole narrative based on my media, so I had to change some of the things I had originally thought of doing. However I really like what I ended up with. The first thing that I did then was establish a plot. And here is a brief synopsis of it: Ariel now has access to the Internet and I wanted to see how things would pan out. She gets legs (not from Ursula) and meets Eric, but because she can talk and is just a 16 year old girl, she gets crazy clingy and delusional. In a heartbreaking moment, we find out that Eric is to be married to a girl named Karissa. Ariel then gets really crazy and hires a private investigator and in the span of a night comes up with a conspiracy theory from Karissa’s blog about how Karissa is the crazy one and not her (since she is a Disney character, she does not understand what Disney means). Crazy right?

The first piece of media that I used was a Web Design for Craig’s list of Ariel asking for legs, which I felt like I brought it to Ariel’s level but added in some humor.

The second piece of media that I used was a video commercial for a dinglehopper, which turned out to be one of my favorite out of the ones that I did (and I also spent the most time on it).

The third piece of media that I used was Prince Eric’s facebook, which I also really enjoyed doing. I wanted to lead the readers on to believe the same thing that Ariel was, that her and Eric were madly in love together. However, little do the people know that his vague love like statements are towards someone else (I hear this other girl is really pretty).

The next piece of media that I used was the wedding invitation in which I wanted to make it as simple as possible considering that the wedding seemed to be very last minute for almost everyone involved. The timeline of Eric and Karissa’s relationship is never revealed, but since the invitations came out so late, we can only assume they procrastinated on their ds106 work.

The next piece of media was the Flotsam and Jetsam GIF advertisement. I wanted to make a poster since the beginning and finding a way for add it in was hard, until I decided to have Ariel go crazy. What  a better way than this? The story could have easily ended with the marriage, but seeing how Ariel reacts is what makes the story so over the top, yet believable as well (as believable as a fictional story about a fictional character can get).

Finally last but not least was the media that brought it all to a close, the Where is Ariel now video. This was a good way to let the readers see where she was, but not know exactly how she got there, that is left to the imagination. I still want the readers to think about stuff related to my story, so I gave them a visual to think about. (I mean how did she get all those tattoos?).

As for the ending? I actually had them being together at the end and not even having me in the picture. But I wanted to kind of show about how crazy Disney can be by having 16 year old girls thinking they are in love. I thought I was in love when I was 16, but it was just puppy love. It’s easy, especially with the technological age to think that you are closer to someone than you really are, and that was the case here. Constant communication causes miscommunication. While I know that this topic is a bit deep for a story about a Disney princess, I wanted to show you all that I also am capable of putting some meat (social commentary) into my stories. Once I realized that I did not want the two of them to date, I figured why not have him date (or even marry) me. Eric has always been one of my favorite Princes, so I’m not one to complain. I also loved the whole closure of it. My blog title is confessions of a future Disney princess, and I figured with the end of the class, I should become an actual Disney princess. It just seemed like good closure to the class.Who knows where this crown will take me.


Thanks for reading,

Princess Karissa

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