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Weekly Summary- Week One

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*Updated to include GIF that I was previously unable to embed.

Twilight Zone GIF

Visual Assignments

Design Assignments

Daily Create


This week was a tough week.  I found that in that short time between

  • How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments?

      I feel that given that this was the first week of work, I did a pretty good job on completely the requirements.  Based on my checklist it appears that I have completed everything.  I feel that the work I have done is really put together well, and looks great visually.  The ony problem I ran into was when I went to upload my relfection on Michael Wesch the write-up was gone so I didn’t have time to redo it. 

  • What gave you trouble? What did you enjoy most? What did you learn?

The initial start-up of the class probably gave me the most trouble.  I had added the class late, so I’ve essentially been behind a whole week for this entire time, trying to catch-up on all of the work.  I enjoyed being able to go into Photoshop and create things that I really wouldn’t have thought of creating if this class hadn’t prompted me into doing so.  I’ve learned to be really diligent in managing my time.  Even with that, it still feels sort of overwhelming with the amount of work I have and the amount of time I have to do it in.  But it’s a sacrifice I have to make and I am committed to doing my best and always trying my hardest in this class.

  • What would you do differently? What questions to you have?

For the coming week, I am going to try and manage my time even better.  I am generally a person that procrastinates, and I have learned to change that.  However change doesn’t happen instantly so it’s something that I am going to have to keep working on

  • What are some of the larger issues surrounding your work? Cultural/Societal implications?

As of right now, I do not really have any big issues with my work, other than managing my time even better than I have been.


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