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So And So’s Greatest Hits

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“There are some bands/musicians/artists out there who constantly make solid songs/albums. Using Audacity, pick a band/musician/artists and create a mash-up of what you consider to be some of their greatest hits. It needs to be at least 5 songs (if you can’t find 5, then they might not be as great of a band as your think they are) and at least 5 minutes, but feel free to go over if the music is groovin’. Upload to soundcloud and introduce us to your favorite band and their songs! Have fun!”

I chose songs from Childish Gambino‘s album Culdesac, which can be played above.

If you aren’t in the know, Childish Gambino also goes by Donald Glover, his government name, whom is an actor in NBC’s Community.

Culdesac can be downloaded in it’s entirety here. Culdesac was released free to the internet, so no worries here folks.

So And So’s Greatest Hits assignment.

Worth: 3 1/2

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