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The Scottlo Show

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So, long time listener first time blogger about Scottlo (kidding, he’s only had 14 for the ds106zone and I’ve been kind of bad at keeping up with it.)  So anyways, I usually listen to Scottlo while I’m at work which is a nice break, except for a few of them have been via soundcloud (I think) which unfortunately I don’t have access to on my work computer so I can’t listen them.

But anyways I wanted to respond to what he’s been talking about for these past two weeks and then also express my appreciation for his work.  He sounds like a really busy guy and the fact that he’s fitting us in between cooking his dinners and work is really awesome.

What I like the most about Scottlo’s radio show is that he really emphasizes and brings together the sense of community in ds106.  I know that sometimes I’m not as active in the community as others, I’m very busy with work – not that everyone else isn’t – but sometimes it’s hard for me to respond to everyone even when I am looking at and appreciating their work, which is very selfish of me because I get really excited when people comment on my things so I’m going to try to express my appreciation for others work more, and this post will be dedicated to the Scottlo show.

Obviously Scottlo’s show has been very very useful this week because his main thing is the audio stuff.  I’ve learned a lot about audio listening to his clips and there’s no great way to talk about all of that so I’ve compiled a quick list of the best things I’ve learned from listening to his show:

– A .wav file has much better quality than a .mp3

– Talky Tina knows everything about me but I know nothing about her

– There are mobile apps available for people to do audio posting (such as recordium app)

– You can’t edit your recording on soundcloud or audio apps so you should use an audio program because you can use ‘tracks’ which are similar to layers in gimp

– Scottlo has great taste in background elevator music

– My audio work is really really terrible compared to other DS106ers and I need to change my ways

So, that’s what I’ve learned.  Scottlo is awesome and it’s pretty cool that I feel like he’s part of my class experience all the way in Saudi Arabia.  I wish I had more time in my schedule to be more involved with all of his stuff and I really hope to improve my audio work and impress him, Jim, and my classmates!

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