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DS106 and Storytelling Go to Work

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based on public domain CC0 pixabay image by geralt

How do the elements of storytelling factor the communications and practices of business and industry?

This is the place where weekly assignments will be created for an online class I am teaching for the George Mason University Instructional Design and Technology Program (IDT). Students are full time workers in the corporate space, aiming to earn an E-Learning Graduate Certificate.

I’ve been asked to bring a storytelling lens and ds106 experience to EDIT 572: Digital Audio/Video Design and Applications. This class will run for 7 weeks from March 18 to May 14, and like previous ds106 classes I have taught, the materials will be open to others who wish to follow along. My students will be publishing their work on their own blog spaces and I am hopeful the open community of DS106 rallies to give them good feedback.

You can find a general syllabus and a more detailed course introduction emailed to students 10 days prior to the start of class.

There are two sections from GMU; the ds106 syndication has been tweaked to display posts from all GMU students in one place and a separate page for students in section 1 and Section 2. If you want to earn your ds106 pat on the head badge, give those students some constructive comment love.

If you want to be part of the mix as an open participant, and have not done ds106 before, you can get ready by reviewing our Quick Start Guide. When you register a blog with ds106 (if you have not done so already), choose the affiliation of Open Online Participant.

Stay tune to this channel for weekly class announcements

Now get to work!


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  2. EnglishMajors’Weblog: TechTuesday Fun | The English Majors' Weblog10-14-14
  3. EnglishMajors’Weblog: Tech Tuesday | The English Majors' Weblog10-14-14
  4. English Majors’ Weblog: Tech Tuesday | The English Majors' Weblog10-14-14

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