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A rush to find them all!

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This was a creative assignment! It really put me in a rush to find all the subjects I needed to photograph and get the proper lighting and angles while not trying to be a perfectionist.

So I grabbed my list and set the timer. Away I went!

The photos appear in order of the list.

The weather warmed up today, but no sun, unfortunately.
I like how this one turned out, especially with the red lighting.
The shadow one was tough; I ended up using a flashlight to cast the shadow.
The woods seem eerie today with the gloomy weather.
Paying it forward with cookies
I could not “pay it forward,” but my dogs got cookies instead!
Close-up shots can be interesting, I think!
Neither the moon nor sun was out today, so this was the closest thing I could find.

I got them all with little more than a minute to spare!

The results turned out better than I anticipated. I hope you all enjoy them! Reflecting on this assignment, I have learned to appreciate the imperfections in my art, which uniquely makes my art mine. I also like to put this philosophy towards other aspects of my life.

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”

-Alexander Pope.

I can’t wait to see what’s next in #ds106

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