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“That Great Grand Canyon Rescue Episode.”

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Well, as I pondered a title for this I hearkened back to a classic Neil Young song I always loved. Still love. But I could not recall the title of the song. Hello Google. This is the journey.

I went to that Grand Canyon this past weekend. My government was going to shut down on Saturday morning and that would have kept us all out of the park. My park. Our park? We had been planning the trip for a few months as permits to camp in the Canyon during March, April, and May are hard to get. Perfect weather and everyone wants to go then. But the government did not shut down. Lucky us. Here are a few images!

It just so happened that there was also a big ol’ spring storm that arrived at the Grand Canyon on Saturday too. Checking the weather and road conditions I decided to turn out two night trip into just one safe night. Better safe than dead I always say. I had my daughter and her best friend going as part of the adventure. Safety.

When we arrived at the South Rim on Sunday morning I tried out the ds106tv and on my Droid. We were at the edge of 3G land. I just happened to have on my ds106 t-shirt! The wind was a bit much. But it is ok. Here is my field report from the Canyon.

So I could not recall the title to the song by Neil Young that mentions, “that great grand canyon rescue episode.” I thought that would be a good title for the post. I have/had no clue what Neil was referring to in that line, but I associated it with the Brady Bunch episode. Cuz when I was younger I recall it so clearly. In looking for this stuff I found a beautiful video of Neil as a younger man singing his heart out (and missing a line or two) and a site I found that looks at the possible meanings behind the lyrics to “Thrasher.” I love this stuff!

I also found a mashup! Who would have thought? To the Brady Bunch Grand canyon Rescue episode!

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