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Twenty Second Countdown!!

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This assignment was chosen strictly out of impulse. I was looking through the assignment categories and when I came across this one, I was hooked. But I put my own spin on it. The assignment is called Google Draw Something located in the Web Assignments.

The point of this game is to draw a word the server gives you and Google Draw is supposed to figure out what you are drawling before you finish. I went a different route with this assignment though. Instead of drawing the word they gave me, I drew food items. I wanted to include my theme of “food” into this assignment. So if you look at my example, it shows the words I were given were flamingo, cooler, squiggle, bat, crown, and pineapple. That being said, I was not trying to try those items, instead I was trying to draw a cherry, banana, hotdog, apple, pizza, and pineapple. Even though it says all were incorrect, Google Draw actually guessed them all right and when it answered it correctly, I moved onto the next drawing. Ironically, the only one they got wrong was the pineapple. So when I was drawing the pizza, the server would say “PIZZA”. That is when I would move onto the next drawling. It was difficult to draw some of them, like the hotdog. In my opinion, if you look at that drawling, it looks nothing like a hotdog, but it got it correct! To contribute this to our classes theme of What’s (Y)our Story, I picked food I love to eat. My dads side of the family is from Traverse City, Michigan which is the cherry capital of the world. My favorite fruit is a banana… and so on. What I got out of this assignment is the understanding just how smart AI is. They are working behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly on our computer. Even though this wasn’t the hardest assignment I did this week, it was still beneficial and fun. 

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