Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. acruz12

    Week 2 – Learning by Listening to Radio Shows

      Comments and reflections on This American Life: Episode 503 “I Was Just Trying To Help” Prologue:  Sharon was a clerk for circuit court judge in Missouri. While she was at work, a man and a woman approached her looking for some paperwork so they could help out their brother, who was in prison for […]
  2. acruz12

    Your Starting Perspective on What is Story (Part II)

    Then, expand on what it might mean to introduce the word “digital”? What changes, is different, or is the same? What do you see or think of when we say “digital storytelling”  Finally, add the ideas you got from listening to this week’s videos by Ira Glass and Andrew Stanton- what, if any, might influence […]
  3. acruz12

    Week 1 – Your Starting Perspective on What is Story

    What do you associate with the word storytelling? What is the visual that comes to mind? What experiences or memories does it conjure? Does it have any place in your life now? ——————————————————————– My concept of storytelling is that it is an exchange rooted in the foundation of our humanity and how we relate to those […]
  4. acruz12

    Week 1 – Exploring the Shape of Stories

    Kurt Vonnegut explains an approach to portraying the shape of stories along the G-I (good fortune/ill-fortune) and B-E (beginning – end) axis.  During the clip he provides examples of generic, sinusoidal (cosine or sine, depending on the character’s starting point) stories that dip into (or out of) good and ill fortune. Vonnegut provides a more […]

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