Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. adamlostonpatrol

    Last Weekly Summary

    Since the beginning of this semester I was always excited to see what new things Digital Storytelling had in store for me each and every week. From taking this class, I have a new found appreciation for the time and effort that goes into making digital stories, whether it be by audio, video, writing or … Continue reading
  2. adamlostonpatrol

    The Boy and The Crevasse

    Its Saturday morning at the village of Indom. All of the villagers were out cleaning or planting crops except for one boy, Steve, who had already finished all of his work the day before. On this Saturday Steve decided that instead of lounging around in his cabin, he was going to go on a walk outside … Continue reading
  3. adamlostonpatrol

    Bumper-sticker Tutorial

    Create a bumper sticker. For this bumper-sticker assignment tutorial we are going to be using Pixlr’s Editor web app. This image editing software is entirely online and will require you to register an account to use it. Step 1: I started by setting the size of the image to 1024 x 768. Step 2: Put a rectangle that takes up … Continue reading
  4. adamlostonpatrol

    Tutorial for 256 Points

    Today, we have the luxury of fast computers with lots of memory and power. However, that wasn’t always the case, and graphics designers had to make due with very limited capabilities. For this assignment, you are to draw a person, vehicle, or otherwise intricate object. The catch is, your image can only be 16 pixels … Continue reading
  5. adamlostonpatrol

    Week 13/14 Daily Creates

    Daily Create 11/19/2015: Find the nearest item to you that is red. Take a picture. This daily create was very simple for me since I was eating strawberries at the moment so I just grabbed them and took a picture of them for the day. Daily Create 11/21/2015: “Everyone’s always telling you to think outside the box. … Continue reading
  6. adamlostonpatrol


    Mashup two or more of your favorite websites using Firebug or Photoshop. Try to be creative, giving the page a new name, and having attributes of both sites in the page. Take a screenshow of your work to share it. For this 2 star assignment I used the social media sites Facebook and Myspace to create the … Continue reading
  7. adamlostonpatrol

    Guess! Those! Songs!

    This is some sort of variation on Katy Chase’s The Contest That Nobody Could Win assignment, but instead of clips from a TV show or movie, do clips from your favorite songs and see if anyone can guess what they are. Or atleast the artist. Do two or three second clips using 4 or 5 … Continue reading
  8. adamlostonpatrol

    Emoji Mashup

    For this assignment you are to take a picture of one of your friends or just a person that is in the moment doing something exactly like an emoji and then mash them together for comparison. I chose this 4 star assignment because it seemed very simple to do. To start it, I went on Facebook and … Continue reading
  9. adamlostonpatrol

    Mashup VS. Remix

    Instead of writing up an explanation of what you learned, instead formulate your own understanding about remix and mashup, and record a video or audio of you explaining it to someone who is not familiar; this could be a family member, friend, neighbor, random stranger. The point is to capture a recording of your explanation … Continue reading
  10. adamlostonpatrol

    Bird and cat re-re-re-remix!

    This “Remix” assignment required me to go to the ds106 remixer site at and follow the link for the Remix Generator. This program randomly chooses one out of the hundreds of ds106 assignments, but with a twist. The assignment it chooses is accompanied by a “remix card” which are little extra tasks thrown onto the assignment. When I … Continue reading
  11. adamlostonpatrol

    Weekly Summary 11-12

    This week was all about video. Although making videos is my least favorite thing to do in terms of assignment types, I actually had quite a bit of fun making them. The range of the assignments were huge, which provided a lot of choices when choosing which assignments to do. I tried doing all assignments where … Continue reading
  12. adamlostonpatrol

    Daily Creates Week 11-12

    Daily Create 11/02/15: Choose a sidewalk crack and make it into art. With thanks to Carla Sonheim. You can find a series of images in Carla’s website and clear instructions. Print one you like and ‘finish it’ by hand. Or take your own sidewalk crack photo. Or be lazy and use the one here! For this … Continue reading
  13. adamlostonpatrol

    Product Evolution

    Things are’t what they use to be. For this assignment pick a product, a piece of technology works best but you can use anything, and create a short video timeline of how it looked way back all the way to how it looks today. Be sure to add dates. For this 3 and a half … Continue reading
  14. adamlostonpatrol

    Chipmunk Avengers

    Helium may be in short supply, but a little digital tweaking can still leave your favorite actors sounding like the Chipmunks. Take a clip from a film and either speed up the action or raise the pitch on the audio track for some high-pitched laughs.   This assignment interested me because it reminded me of … Continue reading
  15. adamlostonpatrol


    Create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public figure. A supercut is a “fast-paced montage of short video clips that obsessively isolates a single element from its source, usually a word, phrase, or cliche from film and TV. collects every known … Continue reading
  16. adamlostonpatrol

    One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

    Create a five second video of one archetype from five different movies cutting together one second of each. Examples could include: Prisoners, Thieves, Beauty Queens, Kings, Robin Hoods, James Bonds, Bank Robbers, Assassins, Bad Boys, Kung Fu Masters, Femme Fatales, Sports Heroes, High School Bullies, Rogue Police Officers, Brainiacs, Pregnancies, Principals, Mean Teachers, InspirationalTeachers, Gunslingers, … Continue reading
  17. adamlostonpatrol

    Weekly Summary Week 10

    This week was honestly one of my worst. I couldn’t get any of the video software to work on my computer so I wasn’t able to complete any of the video assignments on time. But I did learn that everything from the camera angles and how the cameraman zooms in, to things like lighting and … Continue reading
  18. adamlostonpatrol

    Daily Creates Week 10

    @ds106dc #tdc1390 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is horrorgami — Adam Hoff (@swimmerdude79) October 30, 2015 For today’s daily create, I had to find some horrorgami, so I decided to go with an origami bat. #tdc1393 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is — Adam Hoff (@swimmerdude79) November 2, 2015 … Continue reading
  19. adamlostonpatrol

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    For this assignment I went with the joker pencil trick&mob scene and with it I analyzed the camera work, analyzed the audio track and then put it all together. Analyze the camera work. Before watching the first time, turn the volume on the clip (or on your computer) all the way down. Take notes on the visual aspects … Continue reading
  20. adamlostonpatrol

    How to read a movie

    How to read a movie response: “A person located somewhat to the right of center will seem ideally placed. A person to the right of that position will seem more positive; to the left, more negative. A centered person will seem objectified, like a mug shot.” In general terms, in a two-shot, the person on … Continue reading
  21. adamlostonpatrol

    Weekly Summary Week 9

    This week was one of my favorite weeks because I liked all of the web assignments I got to do. It was also great hearing everyone else’s radio shows and looking at the feedback of my own radio show. Although I had a lot of trouble starting the “Telling Stories Within The Web” assignment, I … Continue reading
  22. adamlostonpatrol

    Daily Creates Week 9!

      Daily Create for October 22nd: “‘Like an evil twin or a twisted pair, happy places can have an ugly underside’. Is your happy place always happy? What is its underside. An example of Disneyland as a happy place with an underside might offer inspiration. HT @kd0602 for today’s prompt. Write your story in a … Continue reading
  23. adamlostonpatrol

    The British are Coming!

    “Too bad Facebook was not around for most of history! Use theFakebook tool to make a Facebook profile for a historical figure and make a fake tweet for the same character using the Twister tool. See for Abaraham Lincoln the example of a fake facebook profile and what he might have tweeted.”   I decided … Continue reading
  24. adamlostonpatrol

    Pinterest Vacation

    “Create A Pinterest Board Of Your Dream Vacation This is an assignment for dreamers!” I’ve always wanted to visit the Caribbean Islands so that is what I decided to make my Pinterest board about. I’ve never used Pinterest so this is a whole new thing for me. First I had to sign up for Pinterest since … Continue reading
  25. adamlostonpatrol

    Digital Story Fellers Reflection

    To start off, I thought the name Digital Story Fellers was pretty clever since it sounds very close to digital story tellers. This group comprised of James Baylor, Jack Brooks, Justin Lawrence, Caleb Snow, and Christopher Zimmerman. Intro: The beginning typewriter sounds although nice sounding, I thought were a bit random and didn’t really need … Continue reading
  26. adamlostonpatrol

    Weekly Summary Week 7-8

    These two weeks for kind of relaxing since the assignments got to be spread out. Having worked with audio extensively in this course has made me grow more accustomed to doing audio. I used to be very self-conscious  about audio assignments, but now I’m a lot more comfortable doing them. At first, I thought doing … Continue reading

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