Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. adyke

    Radio Logo

    To make a logo for the radio show I went to the website This website helps you make a logo for anything you want. I picked out the spooky font for the wording, added a microphone, a skeleton, and a spider to enforce the spooky theme. I think it came out to be a … Continue reading Radio Logo
  2. adyke

    Ds106 Commercial

    For this Ds106 commercial I created a gun store commercial that would be perfect for someone, like our radio show characters, that is stuck in a zombie apocalypse. The inspiration for this commercial came from a college humor video called Girl’s Costume Warehouse. The guy that does this commercial is overboard and I felt like … Continue reading Ds106 Commercial
  3. adyke

    Week 6 Summary

    This week was all about design elements. I read an article called The Vignelli Canon which is about designing things and wrote my thoughts on it here.  I also watched the movie Alien by Ridley Scott. It had some interesting set and light design that I discussed here. I also created a designblitz where I looked at … Continue reading Week 6 Summary
  4. adyke

    A Movie in Four Icons

    Today I give you four icon pictures that should hint at a specific movie. These icons were found here and were all chosen to represent one of my favorite movies. Guess in the comments if you think you have it! This was a 3.5 star design assignment for Ds 106
  5. adyke

    Week 5 Summary

    This week was all about telling stories using audio. I researched audio techniques and I wrote about my thoughts on audio storytelling. This week instead of using audacity I used Garage Band because I am decently experienced with it. Using garage band I created 5 different weekly assignments: one about misheard lyrics, one speaking spams … Continue reading Week 5 Summary
  6. adyke

    Ds106 Radio Bumper

    I created a bumper for Ds106 Radio in this assignment thanks to the help from my roommates girlfriend and garageband. I felt the organ sound mixed with a good radio voice is a classic bumper and then to make the bumper spooky I ended off the bumper wit...
  7. adyke

    Radio Show Idea

    For my radio show I would want to do a variation of a classic youtube video from Derrick Comedy called “WQXR The Cool Breeze” where the radio hosts are actually held hostage by a super intelligent wolf. It is a good comedy sketch but I feel it fits the theme really well. In my radio … Continue reading Radio Show Idea
  8. adyke

    Song Clips Coming Together

    I picked six clips of some of my favorite songs that end up making a pretty interesting song themselves. I molded these together to form a phrase in garageband. Can you guess these six songs that have molded together? This is a audio assignment for Ds...
  9. adyke

    Weekly Showcase

    WelcomeToWeek4Showcase…. YourGuideForThisWeekIsIDennis…. ThisGloriousWeekIsFilledWithVisualTidBits…. SubmissionsOfVisualContentAppeaseMyEyes… IShallPresentMyMostLovedFiveInAnAnthologyOfGreatness…  TheFirstTantalizingPieceIsAPostFromTheAdventureInNoir… RedIsQuiteThePowerColor… JulyDisplayedHerRoomsPowerInThisPicture… TheDescriptionOfHerVisionAlongWithExecutionOfTechnique… QuiteAWorkOfArt… FollowingUpJuly’sWorkOfArtIsAnApperanceFromKanye… AaronDykeCreatedAPictureOfKanyeWestAndAQuote… GreatnessIsRareHoweverKanyeIsGreat… TheKnowledgeOfGreatnessPermittedAWonderfulQuotedPhotoToComeIntoBeing…. ThePictureAndQuoteCombinePerfectlyMakingATastyPost… TheThirdPostThatMadeThisAnthology… FoodIsEssentialToLife… NoraPostedAnAlphabetMadeOfHealthyFood… BurstingWithColorAndAssumedTaste… NoraCreatedAPostThatIsInformativeAndVisuallyAppealing… WeReturnForTheFourthPieceOfTheShowcase… AaronPostedAnAnimalCombination… TheWeaknessOfDolphinsWasStrategicallyCoveredInThisPost… AaronCombinedADolphinAndGiraffeToCreateASuperAnimal… TheSatirePleasesMe… TheFinalPostThatMadeTheCut… ATrulyTerrifyingMoment… JamesUsesAnOldPhoneAndCapturesAHorrificMoment… ASpiritVisitedHisPhoneCreatingAParanormalPicutre… ThisWeekWasFilledWithGreat… PostsWereMany… TheseFiveCreatedMyMostLovesFromThisWeek… AGreatBunchOfVisuals
  10. adyke

    Week 4 Summary

    This week was all about photos and the use of them to tell a story. The capturing of a moment through photography is difficult and I had never been good at it as a child, you can read about that in my history and future with photography post here. I watched The Shining this week … Continue reading Week 4 Summary
  11. adyke


    A photoblitz is when you take a list of photo themes and for 20 minutes you take photos for those corresponding themes, learn more here. Today I did a photo blitz and it was interesting to say the least. Here are some pictures of the lists and start and end times for my blitz: The … Continue reading Photoblitz

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