Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Alec Couros

    Rethinking #etmooc – Towards the #unmooc

    If you’ve been following this space, you’ll know that we’ve been considering and planning an educational technology focused MOOC to begin January of 2013. I’ve written on the development of this idea here and here, and there are a number … Continue reading
  2. Alec Couros

    Value of Twitter as Professional Development for Educators

    During my sabbatical, I’m hoping to dive into research around the value of social networking tools like Twitter in the professional development of educators (including administrators). Today, I began with a some reconnaissance around the topic. At this point, I’m … Continue reading Related posts:
    1. Viral Professional Development
    2. Call for open-source interested/active educators: Dissertation research
    3. Questioning Twitter
  3. Alec Couros

    Sasktel’s Great Bait & Switch

    Last year, I terminated my mobile phone contract with Rogers, and signed a three-year contract with Sasktel Mobility. I chose Sasktel at the time for two reasons. First, their coverage area within Saskatchewan is much better than Rogers’ (although now … Continue reading Related posts:
    1. CleverKeys – Great Time Saver
    2. An Open Letter to a Digital World: Time to Switch to Linux
    3. Great Wind Energy Commercial
  4. Alec Couros

    Open Course: Social Media & Open Education

    I will be facilitating an open graduate course this Fall titled EC&I 831: Social Media & Open Education. This will be the 5th time I have taught the course (first time was 2007), and it’s different each time. It looks … Continue reading Related posts:
    1. Open Access Course: Social Media & Open Education (Fall 2009)
    2. Open Graduate Course & Call For Network Mentors
    3. Seminar: Social Media and Open/Networked Learning
  5. Alec Couros

    Shiny Happy Internet

    This morning I noticed an emotional thread on Reddit, a popular, user-generated, social news site. The thread began as an IamA/AMA (“I Am a [blank], ask me anything…”) where a pseudonymous poster (‘lucidendings’) described having only 51 hours to live due to a long battle with cancer and having chosen to die under Oregon’s Death ... Related posts:
    1. Happy Father’s Day …
    2. Happy Canada Day!
  6. Alec Couros

    Writing Prompts (Collaborative Document)

    In the style of previous collaborations (here and here), we’ve collaboratively written a great list of writing prompts related to technology & media in teaching & learning. These were intended for the teacher candidates I teach, but I see tremendous value for anyone who is writing or thinking about the use of technology in education. ... Related posts:
    1. 50 Writing Tools
    2. Crowdsourcing Alternatives To Delicious
    3. How Gmail Works: A Collaborative Video
  7. Alec Couros

    Assignment 1 for #ds106

    The following is a pretty sore excuse for my first assignment in Jim Groom’s #ds106. However, I wanted to at least keep up with some of the assignments. I’m amazed and inspired by some of the stuff that has been created by the participants so far, and I’m learning a lot about how Jim has ... No related posts.
  8. Alec Couros

    Student Work – Fall 2010

    Exactly one year ago, I shared some of the great work my students created in the Fall 2009 semester. This past year was another amazing year in that I was fortunate to have had some incredibly creative and hard-working students in my classes. So, with the possibility of creating a New Year’s Eve tradition, here ... Related posts:
    1. Student Work – Fall 2009
    2. Why Publish Student Work to the Web?
    3. Student Project in Common Craft Style
  9. Alec Couros

    Crowdsourcing Alternatives To Delicious

    Twitter was abuzz with the news that Yahoo! will be shutting down Delicious, the popular social bookmarking site. Delicious has been a very valuable tool to me for several years now, and I, like others, will be sad to see it go. However, rather than dwell on the news, it’s better to move on, and ... Related posts:
    1. Ning Alternatives, Collaboration, & Self Hosting
    2. Google. Where’s Our Doc?
    3. Writing Prompts (Collaborative Document)
  10. Alec Couros

    Teaching & Learning in a Networked World (Keynote)

    I am on my way home from the Quest Conference held at Richmond Hill, Ontario where I was fortunate to have given a preconference keynote presentation. The conference was really great, and this trip gave me a chance to enjoy time with old and new friends, many who I’ve met online via Twitter. There are ... Related posts:
    1. Open/Networked Teaching Keynote at MoodleMoot
    2. Keynote: Harnessing the Power of Social Networks
    3. Need Your Help – unKeynote/Keynode

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