Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. amandamotley

    Weekly Summary 13 &14


    Remix: Make it p! no remix Assignments:  Emoji mash-up Sims: Mario Kart Edition A Toy’s Life: movie poster remix Tutorials and created assignments: Tutorial on making cut outs Create your own collage Make a holiday card These past two weeks have been extremely hard because I was dealing with a lot in my personal life. Along with juggling school, work and DS106… Read more →

  2. amandamotley

    Make a holiday card


    For my second make-your-own assignment I chose to do a holiday card. I felt like this was appropriate since we are so close to the holidays. However, you can make this card for almost any celebration. I chose my favorite design and remixed the colors to create a colorful, holiday design. There are many media platforms that allow you to… Read more →

  3. amandamotley

    Create your own collage


    For my assignment that I create I am doing a tutorial for a collage. My collage was made for The Blue & Gray press. This is a collage or list of different things that you can get someone for Christmas. It was supposed to be used as a guide for people. Collages are often seen in magazines as a list… Read more →

  4. amandamotley

    Sims: Mario Kart Edition


    One of my favorite video games growing us was Mario Kart. I used to sit with my brother and play it for hours. In fact to this day I still my Nintendo 64. My brother and I fought for hours on who would take the Nintendo when we both moved out. That is one reason why I jumped at the… Read more →

  5. amandamotley

    Make it p!nk remix


      For my remix generation I got the pink remix. I love the movie “Pretty in Pink.” It was fun to remix a “history postcard” with the movie. I literally made my post card pink so it looked a little bit like a love letter. I wanted to make it tacky, so I added the lips. I also made the… Read more →

  6. amandamotley

    Weekly Summary 11&12


    Videos Projects for this week: High school memories Sports intro video 60-second day A conversation with myself Daily Creates Week 11 &12 This week was out first real video week and it was kind of miserable. Every assignment is hard and interesting at the same time. It was hard to get through the initial process but at the end you… Read more →

  7. amandamotley

    Weekly Summaries: Week 10


    Listening to others radio show:  The radio show that I listened to was “United Tales.” The group set up interviews with questions based on spring. It also dove into why people chose Mary Washington. It was an interesting topic. Each interview told about someone experience here at UMW and why he or she loved it. The best thing about the… Read more →

  8. amandamotley

    Daily Creates week 10


    Daily creates this week have been hard this week but I have been able to do them. My favorite one was the signature creates. Below is my signature. For me it represents a lot of different things about me. My signature is loopy. That usually means that you are kind of messy. At the same time it can shows that… Read more →

  9. amandamotley

    Potential Video Assignments


    Let me start with there are so many video assignments. It was exciting and cool to see them all. Other students did a lot of the assignments and that was cool. Some of my favorite assignments were ones that students did with mixed mediums like adding sound to videos and incorporating social media. From my assignments I think that I… Read more →

  10. amandamotley

    YouTube Genres


    There were so many different genres of YouTube videos that I would have never thought of. I am quite the YouTube watcher and I am a firm believer in celebrities becoming famous because of YouTube. There are a bunch of videos from my own repertoire that I could add to the list but I thought of some of my favorites… Read more →

  11. amandamotley

    Exploring the Movie Even More


    After reading the background information on the article I am so glad that I chose “American Psycho” as my movie to analyze. This movie is just downright creepy but intriguing at the same time. Not only that but there were a lot of things that went into making this movie happen. Numerous male leads were cast and then turned down… Read more →

  12. amandamotley

    A deeper look into a scene


    I analyzed the scene from “American Pyscho” for this assignment. I chose it because the movie is a more known classic in my opinion. This clip was an excellent tool to show many of the techniques that were discussed on video editing and manipulation. The camera work in this scene is great. It has a good establishing shot with the… Read more →

  13. amandamotley

    Weekly Summary: 9


    This week has been pretty laid back which is so nice. This week was crazy because of Homecoming. I have been planning it since August and it went wonderfully. I am so happy with this weekend. The fact that I had to worry about Ds106 very little is wonderful. I do not think I can use the word wonderful enough.… Read more →

  14. amandamotley

    Wikipedia Remix


    LINK TO SITE: For this assignment I used the program X-Ray goggles. It is a cool program that allows you to easily change the content of the website. I used this opportunity to make a website that could be used as a short blurb about myself. It was not very in-depth but it was a slight blurb to get to… Read more →

  15. amandamotley

    Storytelling Collage


    For my create your own assignment I am choosing to do a story within a picture collage. I think that this assignment is kind of similar to the tell a story in five words assignment that we did at the beginning of the semester. It allows the user to tell a story in just a couple of pictures that are… Read more →

  16. amandamotley

    Fake Facebook


     See the whole profile here: LINK For this assignment I made a fake Facebook and Tweet for George Washington. I thought it was kind of funny because I go to Mary Washington. This assignment was so fun! I used a program called Classroom tools and created both fake social media pages. I used a quote I found about his mother,… Read more →

  17. amandamotley

    To go abroad…


    The purpose of this Digital assignment was to create a story through the social media application Pinterest. This was such a cool assignment because I love Pinterest. I use it all the time but I have never thought of using it as a way to tell a story.  I think that it is such an interesting way of telling a… Read more →

  18. amandamotley

    Weekly Summary


    For the past two weeks we have been working on producing our radio show. It has been a fun process learning the ins-and-outs of producing a radio show. The hardest part of the project was collaborating with each other to get everything together. I was lucky to have a group that worked well together. When we sat down for our… Read more →

  19. amandamotley

    Spooky Sound Story


    This is the freaky sound story I chose to create from random sounds on the Internet. I wrote this story from sounds. I wanted it to tell the story about a zombie chasing someone, a dog barking in warning, and then someone screaming. I wanted the zombie noise at the end to leave the listener questioning whether or not the… Read more →

  20. amandamotley

    Make it 800% slower


    For one of my audio assignments this week I did the make it 800% slower. The object of doing this is to transform a song to ambient noise. I found this so fascinating. I even-GASP downloaded audacity because I could not for the life of me figure out to make this happen on Garage Band. I feel like my computer… Read more →

  21. amandamotley

    Sound Foley “The Lion’s Cage”


    One of the audio recordings we had to do this week was the Foley. I had never heard of such a project before but I thought it was interesting that the object was to create sound for a silent movie. This is such a cool concept because it means using your imagination about what they might be saying in a… Read more →

  22. amandamotley

    Radio Bumper


    The radio bumper was by far my favorite thing to make because it was the most simple to make. My favorite song for Halloween when I was younger was the Monster Mash. Every year at my Elementary school was a Halloween dance called the “Monster Mash.” I would dress up in a homemade costume and dance around with my friends.… Read more →

  23. amandamotley

    Radio Show Commercial


    My radio commercial for “Mary Hauntington” is all about the Ghost Tours of Fredericksburg. This is a pretty popular fall event in the town.  The historic preservation club and folks from downtown Fredericksburg come together to create this event. They dress is old time outfits and walk around showing haunted places in Fredericksburg. Here is the website for the tour.  I… Read more →

  24. amandamotley

    Radio show progress


      The radio show is coming along great. We might this week to iron out the details and decide who does what. We delegated tasks and decided on the content of our show. We decided to do a Halloween theme for our show in light of the upcoming holiday.  Hope came up with the name “Mary Hauntington.” I really liked… Read more →

  25. amandamotley

    Daily Creates: Week 7


    Daily Create 1: The wire is a show revolving around the lives of electricians in D.C. It follows around the electricians as they lead scandalous lives of double agents. Electricians that bug apartments, buildings, and political building to get the scoop on the lives of politicians. There lives are not as dull as they seem. Sex and drugs move the… Read more →

  26. amandamotley

    Daily Creates Week 6


                  My daily creates this week were not my best. Two of them were drawing which looks kind of tacky. The sound bite was my favorite Create this week. It sounds cool and was fun to make. My first Daily Create was the audio recording of beat or song. I chose to beat-box because… Read more →

  27. amandamotley

    Weekly Summary


    This week was design week. It was extremely challenging. As we progress, I find it harder to fit working on DS106 in my schedule. However, I love the way it challenges me. It makes me think artistically. This week I was frazzled though.  Each assignment had its own set of challenges. I think what I like best is learning about… Read more →

  28. amandamotley

    Design Blitz


    Picture one: Form/function/message-This explains how well a certain visual displays the message to its viewers. This magazine cover did a great job of using the space to convey the message. As I went deeper into the magazine I found that the main feature was about the equestrian side of Virginia. The Magazine cover utilizes this function nicely.  Picture two: Color brings… Read more →

  29. amandamotley

    Six-word Memoir


    “Always remember to never give up” are six words that encompass so many different things in my life. This is a painting that means so much because it is an original that my mother and I have worked on for about two months now. The painting has so much meaning behind it because my mom is a Breast Cancer survivor.… Read more →

  30. amandamotley

    Create a READ poster


    This week I am doing a bit of a “Harry Potter” theme. I really liked this assignment because I am a huge supporter of reading and Libraries. I like the idea of having a campaign that uses celebrities and other famous people to promote reading. This is a smart thing to do because children always look up to celebrities. The… Read more →

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