Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. ashleighengels

    Fighting for My Rights

    Above is the book bloc shield I created for today’s daily create. I chose Fighting for my rights as the title because as this would be shown to the police, guards or other citizens, I would want that to stick out to them as to the main reason I am at the demonstration. I added […]
  2. ashleighengels

    My collection of this week’s work

    by This week in ds106, I started off the week by completing 2 daily creates, yes for the same day. I did the daily create that was tweeted Monday morning, about creating a video on “The other side of…” For the video daily create, I decided to make mine up of pictures, reality and still […]
  3. ashleighengels

    Michael Wesch: Knowledgeable to Knowledge-Able

    Michael Wesch seems to be on his way of having everything pertaining to using the web to learn, all figured out… or at least almost all figured out. He knows what really goes on in the classroom, definitely not what should. Laptops are not typically used for notes, rather than for Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc. […]
  4. ashleighengels

    Online Mapping ????

    Above is the picture I drew as my version of an online map! The connecting places to my home are all of the places I visit on the daily. I also connected the social media sites that I feel I use together or that typically link with one another! The home is in the center […]
  5. ashleighengels

    Gardner Campbell writes… I reflect

    Gardner Campbell’s A Personal Cyberinfrastructure goes far beyond what an online class may be. Campbell explains progress in ways individuals don’t think of it as. He stated, “progress means looping back to earlier dieas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new […]
  6. ashleighengels

    ds 106zone LoDown 001 – Thoughts

    Scott Lockman seemed to be giving us listeners the ins and outs of what ds106 might have in store for us this semester. By him doing these short podcasts daily, I feel as if listening to them will help me with questions or concerns I may come across while doing some of my ds106 work, […]
  7. ashleighengels

    Say it like the Peanut Butter – GIF

    by The above GIF I made is a clip from a scene of Big Brother 16. Of all reality TV shows, this has to be one of my favorite. I am what some can call a Big Brother “Superfan”. I watch this show summer after summer, and have the joys of watching it with my […]
  8. ashleighengels

    The other side of Labor Day ????

    by #tdc967 I chose to create this video with the pictures I decided to use because, unlike being in class on Labor Day (totally unfortunate) I do typically spend time with my family, have cookouts and drink and play games! I got home from classes around 11 and some of those pictures are already from […]
  9. ashleighengels

    Weekly Summary (ending 8/31)

    by  Https://     —Comments on classmates’ social media—    I commented on Kelsey’s page because she caught my attention when her blog started off with, my first ever blog, because as for myself, I am a first time blogger like she is. It was quite confusing at first, but […]
  10. ashleighengels

    Weekly Summary ending 8/29

    by @youcanimagethis full time student & work full time in the pharmacy. Redskins & Nats🏈⚾ & softball for 14yrs #ds106— Ashleigh Engels (@Aengels9) August 28, 2014   Above are various links to each social media site I have created and did a little introduction of myself and things I am interested in. On vimeo, there […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]