Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 450.

    Here’s my shot for Tuesday’s Daily Shoot assignment. “We all prepare for things every day. Illustrate preparedness in a photograph today.” Last week and this week have been nothing but studying nonstop for different exams. I thought this shot was a great example of preparedness in that manner. It’s been nothing but flashcards, planners, and ...
  2. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 449.

    Here’s my shot for Monday’s Daily Shoot assignment “Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject today in a photograph.” I lost my camera for a few days so I had to catch up on the prompts today. It’s a pretty murky day outside so lighting isn’t being very cooperative. We ...
  3. Ashley Buske

    Final Project Brainstorm.

    I’ve been trying to come up with some sort of idea for my final project, but I’ll be honest- I’m horrible at this kind of thing. I’ve been thinking I’m going to do something to do with photography because I’ve really been enjoying it lately with the Daily Shoot assignments. As far as where I ...
  4. Ashley Buske

    Four Icon Challenge.

    An assignment this week is to do one of the student proposed assignments on the DS106 website. I choose the Four Icon Challenge proposed by Tim Owens. The concept behind the assignment is to “Reduce a movie, story, or event into it’s basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons.” ...
  5. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 448.

    Here’s my shot for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing? Try it today!” This prompt absolutely sucked. It’s a power plug- what’s photogenic about a power plug? Oh well. I thought about going against the grain and taking a shot as if ...
  6. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 447.

    Here’s my shot for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Go abstract today and make a photograph that focuses on form and color rather than detail.” I like taking pictures focused on detail so I hard a hard time finding inspiration for today’s assignment. Eventually I ended up upwrapping a bunch of Jolly Ranchers and putting them ...
  7. Ashley Buske

    He Let It All Go.

    One of our assignment this week is to play the Five Card Flickr game and use the photos we select to create a story. Here’s mine: The sun peeking through the blinds woke him. The glare on his face hurt his eyes and the heat made him sweat. Grudgingly he sat up, grunting and popping ...
  8. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 446.

    Here’s my shot for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.” I’ve been trying to use my puppy, Rocky, as a subject for some of the assignments but the little bugger will never sit still enough. He’s a miniature dachshund so I figured I’d try again ...
  9. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 445.

    Here’s my photo for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Look upward today. Make a photograph with a low horizon and that emphasizes the sky.” I’ll be honest- I cheated with today’s assignment. I took this picture three years ago, but I didn’t really see anything picture worthy today and I’ve always loved this picture. I love ...
  10. Ashley Buske

    Point Me in the Right Direction, Folks.

    Finally found a pretty sweet Flickr Plugins thanks to someone in class tonight (unfortunately I don’t remember who recommended this one). It put your pictures in the side nicely. I put the setting on 6 pictures with the size set as “square”. Looks pretty snazzy if I say so myself. I need more Plugins to ...
  11. Ashley Buske

    the forgotten children of africa.

    This week we were asked to read an article about how storytelling is applicable in different disciplines; I chose to read a report from a study performed in South Africa titled The Forgotten Children of Africa: Voicing HIV and Aids Orphans’ Stories of Bereavement: A Narrative Approach. The study was published in 2005 and follows ...
  12. Ashley Buske

    daily shot 444.

    Here’s my photo for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Pretend you’re a stringer for your local newspaper today. Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you.” Honestly, I really didn’t like today’s prompt. I didn’t know what exactly was considered newsworthy- especially in a place like Fredericksburg. I’ve been sick all day so I only ...
  13. Ashley Buske

    First Story 2.0.

    Our assignment this week asked us to use one of the 50 tools found on this site to retell our first story in digital manner. This is my final product: I finally managed to find pictures that my mom had from the flood and of the snow we got in El Paso and used the ...
  14. Ashley Buske

    Daily Shoot 443.

    Here’s my photo for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today.” For this assignment I tried getting some good pictures of my puppy, Rocky, to choose from but the little bugger wouldn’t sit still long enough. That’ll have to wait for a later date I guess. I ...
  15. Ashley Buske

    daily shot 442.

    Here’s my photo for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Make a photograph that features repetition.” I took several pictures but this one was my favorite for the assignment. It’s an up close picture of a shell necklace that ...
  16. Ashley Buske

    digital storytelling in the news.

    One of the top articles on CNN today is Making Sense of the Internet and Egypt by John D. Sutter. I really feel that this story and the current situation in Egypt are a great representation of digital storytelling in a completely different way than is common nowadays. What we see playing out is the ...
  17. Ashley Buske

    daily shot 441.

    Here’s my photo for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Make a photograph using hard light today. Feature the crisp and strong shadows as a major element of your photograph.” I saw the shadows casted by this wall piece when I first woke up this morning at my mom’s and knew it would be perfect for today’s ...
  18. Ashley Buske

    daily shot 440.

    Here’s my picture for today’s Daily Shoot assignment. “Make a photograph that illustrates an aspect of communication.” I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this assignment. I thought I’d take a picture of a telephone pole with icicles hanging off of it but then I realized that we have none in ...
  19. Ashley Buske

    playing with digital storytelling.

    I decided to choose one of the fifty tools on 50+ Web 2.0 Ways To Tell a Story to play with. I choose pictures from my trip to visit my dad in Colorado during 2008. Here’s the result: Overall it’s ok. I think I could do better with more playing around in other programs. Not ...
  20. Ashley Buske

    daily shot 439.

    Starting Monday January 31st our assignment is to follow Daily Shoot and do the assignment for each day for two weeks. I decided to start a little early. “Today’s theme is red. Red hot? Red paint? Or something else? You decide.” I kinda cheated for this assignment and used an old picture. Starting tomorrow I’m ...
  21. Ashley Buske


    One of our assignments this week was to read the articles Web 2.0 Storytelling- Emergence of a New Genre and 7 Things You Should Know About Creative Commons and provide a short post with our initial thoughts on the subjects. The first article was very interesting to read because it explained digital storytelling and how ...
  22. Ashley Buske

    one move of many.

    As a military brat I’ve moved many times but one of the most interesting moves was in the summer of 2006 when we moved to El Paso, Texas. My mother, brother, and I moved from Georgia to El Paso and while we were driving the long 1,562 miles one of the things we talked about ...
  23. Ashley Buske

    things are looking good.

    One of our assignments this week is to start playing with themes and plugins on here. After doing a lot of searching on the themes on WordPress and Googling themes for WordPress I was sorely disappointed. I’d find a couple themes that I liked for the most part but most of them just weren’t customizable ...
  24. Ashley Buske

    animated gif.

    Our first real assignment (besides purchasing things to get our website up and running) was to create an animated gif using a short scene from a movie that we either love or hate. At first I was at a loss as to what movie to choose- so many options and so little time to pick ...
  25. Ashley Buske

    welcome to the internet.

    I finally got this thing figured out! It took a while but I finally got things worked out and under control. I’m not exactly computer illiterate but I’m not exactly a Bill Gates either so things started off kinda rough and frustrating. That’s all in the past though, things are looking up from here! (I ...

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