Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @caholt2000

    Final Summary

    This week has been great! The final project was a lot of work, but it was so much fun to make. My final project was composed of five different parts/chapters. The first and last chapters were entirely writing. The second chapter had a phone conversation. The third and fourth chapters had posters that complement the

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  2. @caholt2000

    The Hard Truth

    The squirrel led Sammy into an interrogation room and sat down at the table. “Why are you doing this?” Sammy asked him. The other squirrel smiled at Sammy from across the table. “Do you actually know what happened after you caught me in the peanut butter trap? You were recruited by the ‘Super Secret Squirrel

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  3. @caholt2000

    The Search for Answers

    After a long search through Google. . . Sammy finally found something useful related to the Directorate: a propaganda poster promoting squirrels to join the Directorate and stop secret agents. This could explain why agents have been disappearing. How can I stop them? Sammy knew what to do. He was wary of going back to

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  4. @caholt2000

    A New Identity

    With some careful research, Sammy put together a new identity. . . There were so many different options for the agent to choose when trying to find an occupation for his new secret identity. He read about other agents being photographers, billionaires, police officers, forensic scientists, nuclear physicists, lawyers, etc. He decided that he should

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  5. @caholt2000

    Mystery Caller

    Just as Sammy was about to start doing research to find a new cover story, his phone started to ring. He had caller ID on his work phone, so he could see that it was a blocked caller. Sammy was wary about answering the phone, but he decided that he should answer it. There were

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  6. @caholt2000

    Mission: Directorate

    What is happening at the Super Secret Squirrel Agency? Sammy A. Squirrel is on the case. . . Agent Sammy A. Squirrel was strolling through the Super Secret Squirrel Agency drinking coffee and eating a peanut butter cookie. He still could not believe that he was a special agent. Even though he has been doing

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  7. @caholt2000

    Week Twelve Summary

    This week has been fun. I think my favorite part of this week was getting comments from Talky Tina. It honestly freaked me out a little bit at first, but I loved her feedback. Sorry for using the MEAN WORD, Talky Tina! I did not know you found it offensive. First things first, the daily

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  8. @caholt2000

    Contradicting the Contradiction

    This is a remix of the Contradiction Creation assignment I created earlier this semester. The official instructions for the remix is as follows: Find a completed assignment and create it’s oxymoron, something that is contradictory to what was made. Remix – Contradiction Creation Since the original assignment asked for text contradicting the background image, the

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  9. @caholt2000

    Final Mission Remix

    For our final mission, we need to figure out who exposed some of the agents’ secret identities. You will need to create wanted posters to find this villain and bring them to justice. Just in case, everyone will need to create a new cover story for their agents. You can create a video or image

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  10. @caholt2000

    Week Eleven Summary

    I finished earlier this week! It only took most of the semester for me to finish everything before Friday evening. I enjoyed making videos again this week. I can’t wait to see the videos people made in groups! I did not make a video with my other classmates, so I completed ten stars of assignments.

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  11. @caholt2000

    Final Mission

    We have been through a lot in the past ten weeks. Some of us may have unfortunately blown our covers at one point or another. With a villain getting smarter and more dangerous each week, we need to protect our identities to prevent ourselves and our loved ones from getting into any danger. There are

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  12. @caholt2000

    Week Ten Summary

    I was both excited and nervous about this week being video. I love to edit videos, but I am not very good at recording myself. I was worried that it would take multiple tries to make some of the videos, but in the end, everything turned out fine, as always. The first thing I did

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  13. @caholt2000

    Interview with a Spy

    This week, we had to answer questions in an interview. The answers I provided go with my character Sammy A. Squirrel, however, he is not pictured in the video. The interview questions were interesting, but they were actually not too difficult to answer. I answered seven questions, and the answers all go with my secret

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  14. @caholt2000

    Daily Creations!

    This week, there were only two daily creates assigned. The daily creates were very different from each other, as always. For this daily create, I looked through all of the pictures on my phone to find a dull landscape. I searched and searched, until I saw this dull picture. There is nothing really going on

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  15. @caholt2000

    One Big Nightmare

    Create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public figure. A supercut is a “fast-paced montage of short video clips that obsessively isolates a single element from its source, usually a word, phrase, or cliche from film and TV. collects every known

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  16. @caholt2000

    Week Nine Summary

    This was a great week! I loved hearing everyone’s radio shows on ds106 radio. There were a lot of things for this week, so let’s dive right in! First off, while we are on the topic of radio shows, I reflected on one of the radio shows I heard. I did not reflect on only

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  17. @caholt2000

    Reworking the Alphabet

    Create a story that uses words that begin with the letters of the alphabet consecutively. For example, A big cat dug eight… But you have to go all the way to the letter Z. Try to make as much sense as possible. Or if you really can’t, then go crazy. Be creative and have fun!

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