Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92722 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Sarah Kountz

    Design Assignment: Nickname/Catchphrase Poster

    I just submitted my first assignment to DS106! It’s a Nickname/Catchphrase poster: “Make a poster for any one of your friends using a catchphrase that is associated with them. Bonus points if you get them to look super badass!” This is a poster for my suitemate Karen whose nickname on the UMW  Women’s rugby team ...
  2. Sarah Kountz

    Webstory: Taking over Twitter

    So I decided for my firebug webstory project that I am going to take over twitter. I don’t want to reveal too much of the story, but basically it’s going to involve a day in Dr. Zach Whalen’s life when he has to advise two people, “Alaina and Carah”, for their independent study. For those of you who ...
  3. Sarah Kountz

    Rainbow Brite Color Shoots

    I’m on a quest. That’s right, a quest. Ever since Daily Shoot decided to make the shoot of the day the color yellow, I’ve decided to make Megan Mc my Rainbow Brite Model child. What does this mean exactly? Well, I want to re-imagine Rainbow Brite as Megan and take photos of her and all ...
  4. Sarah Kountz

    Amazing Foodscapes!

    My friend just showed me this really awesome photographer Carl Warner. Prepare to be blown away by his awesome Foodscapes! Seriously, I wish I was as talented as him and had a nice camera like him too. Totally going to buy his book about it now! Like...
  5. Sarah Kountz

    Conclusion: Freedom’s 30 Minute Radio

    I feel that my previous post and Aliyah’s post about our radio show covered a good deal about our project, but I just wanted to do a few wrap up points: 1) Audio projects are very much solitary work. Obviously we recorded the voices together and discussed what kind of sound effects to use. But ...
  6. Sarah Kountz

    My “Blonde” Moment at the Airport

    Last Friday night I was planning on going home because Saturday morning at 6:15am, I had to leave from my house to Dulles airport in order to catch my flight to Florida with my mom. But things happened and instead,I decided to stay at my apartment and just wake up early Saturday morning and drive ...
  7. Sarah Kountz

    My Final Project(s)

    So for my final project, I’ve actually decided to do two projects! Before every student in the class starts hating on me for doing two projects let me explain why I am doing this. My first project is continuing on with the Daily Shoot assignments. As I have mentioned before, I am a photography nut ...
  8. Sarah Kountz

    DS106?s Ride

    This past weekend I went with my mom to visit her sister in Ormund Beach, Florida. Ormund Beach is just a town away from Daytona Beach and we just missed the Daytona 500 by a weekend, grr! But we did get to check out Ormund’s Art Gallery (located next to the botantical Gardens) which was ...
  9. Sarah Kountz

    Woes of the 5 Minute Show

    QUESTION: Can anyone explain how in Audacity you can put together mutiple audio tracks easier? For example, if I had a track of me talking and a background track of music that I then wanted to add to something exactly like that, how could I do this without cutting and pasting 2 tracks? Is there ...
  10. Sarah Kountz

    Woes of the 5 Minute Show

    QUESTION: Can anyone explain how in Audacity you can put together mutiple audio tracks easier? For example, if I had a track of me talking and a background track of music that I then wanted to add to something exactly like that, how could I do this without cutting and pasting 2 tracks? Is there ...
  11. Sarah Kountz


    Found this the other day when I was surfing the web. Love how someone took something so simple as Legos and used them to create old school album covers, seems like something someone would do for #ds106 Also, this guy, Nathan Sawaya created lego scupltures, pretty badass! I just don’t have the patience for that ...
  12. Sarah Kountz

    Bilingual/BilingĂźe: a Poem by Rhina Espaillat

    On Monday I was helping someone in the Writing Center with her paper analyzing the poem Bilingual/BilingĂźe which is a very structurally interesting poem. Notice that the Spanish words are closed off from the English words until the very end. What does that say to you about the poem? Bilingual/BilingĂźe by Rhina P. Espaillat My ...
  13. Sarah Kountz

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    “Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband” A Sound Story by Jabomba (Aliyah and Me) Audio tracks from Men running, forest, breathing: victorcenusa Chainsaw: Doobit Psycho Scream 1: FreqMen Psychotic Laugh: Timbre Bone Cracking 1: DallowmarGrimm FX Slurpy-Juicy-Eat: Zebraphone The Creation Process*: Aliyah came over Thursday night (so handy we are ...
  14. Sarah Kountz

    Me, Myself, I

    I really can’t pick my favorite work that I’ve done so far because I like all the work I’ve posted for other people to see. However, I’ve been getting a lot of great feedback for my Superhero, not quite valentine valentines, which has been awesome! They’ve turned out to be more of a smash hit ...
  15. Sarah Kountz

    You are my fave ;)

    When I found out I had to do a write up of the favorite things I’ve seen from #ds106 the past six weeks, I was stumped. I’ve seen so many really awesome photos, gifs, videos, blog posts, posters, etc. from most everyone in class so to pick my top few is really hard.  Especially since ...
  16. Sarah Kountz

    First attempt at Gif

    Gif animators I’ve seen some really awesome gifs made by people in our class and by strangers and so I figured it was time for me to try it. I made this from three photos I took of my friend Meghan’s cat who is super cute but extremely hard to take a photo of! Like ...
  17. Sarah Kountz

    Another 5 Card Flickr Story

    For Aliyah Five Card Story: Creep….Creep…Creep a ds106 story created by Cali4beach flickr photo by relaxkid55 flickr photo by ravnclaw89 flickr photo by Imfutbol flickr photo by srodgers2 flickr photo by cogdogblog These past two weeks, I’ve feel like someone has been watching me. Especially when I am playing the piano in the practice room, ...
  18. Sarah Kountz

    Superheroes V-Day Cards

    So the other day while I was checking out the twitter update feed, Timmmmyboy posted about the retro superheroes valentine’s day cards. As I love hearts and getting cards on Valentine’s Day, I decided it would be funny to make my own versions of the cards, preferably funny and not so cutesy. I was inspired ...
  19. Sarah Kountz

    5 Card Flickr Story

    Five Card Story: Snowy a ds106 story created by Cali4beach flickr photo by ashleymeganlove flickr photo by ravnclaw89 flickr photo by les.epinards flickr photo by nessman flickr photo by ravnclaw89 Today I got the phone call I’ve been dreading. Kyle was coming over in thirty minutes to pick up his cat. OH SHIT! How am ...
  20. Sarah Kountz

    Survey the World- DS106 Radio Poster

    As with most of the assignments I end up doing, they happen because I get distracted with my original idea with another idea, or a few more ideas. (ADD much? Or just inspired by greatness? O.o?) So how did I end up making this poster for DS106 Radio? Well it started with Patrick’s blog post ...
  21. Sarah Kountz

    Love Story (of sorts)

    This all started with today’s assignment for the Daily Shoot: “Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing?  #ds448″ It took me pretty much all day to figure out what I wanted to take a photo of because power plugs are so ordinary, I couldn’t think of any ...
  22. Sarah Kountz

    The Lonely Gorilla ARG

    Back in the Fall semester of 2009, Dr. Whalen’s class “New Media: The Virtual and the False” created it’s own alternate reality game called “The Lonely Gorilla.” This video shows the highlights of the game, although it doesn’t even begin to show the amount of work, time and effort my classmates, Dr. Whalen and I ...
  23. Sarah Kountz

    Cartoon Egypt(?) Vs. Real Life Egypt

    On Wednesday I was flipping through “The Washington Post” when I stumbled across this comic strip for “Speed Bump” of his little kid asking his daddy to ride a mechanized camel in the middle of desert. I thought it pretty funny, but there is such a contrast between this cartoon and what’s going on in ...
  24. Sarah Kountz

    Day 1 of “The Daily Shoot”

    Today’s theme for “The Daily Shoot” was “make a photograph that features repetition.” I’m the VP of the UMW Photo Club and as such, am a photography nut so I really got into the photoshoot. I ended up taking over thirty photos, but settling eight to publish. I would like to thank my roomie Elena ...

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