Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Feng

    Last post! bye bye, ds106 :(

    I am really sad. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was polishing my photoshop skills? Where did time go? I’ve mentally check-marked everything off on wrapping up ds106. I have written/typed three blog posts; this one, one for final project, a...
  2. Feng

    Final reflection video

    This is so weird. The audio was lagging just a minute ago before I uploaded the video and now it works! What luck. Anyway, I hope you can hear me well. I usually have a very soft voice and I tried to speak up but I didn’t want to scare you! Haha,...
  3. Feng

    Fourth video tutorial: Voice morphing

    In this last tutorial, I elaborated on how to change your voice in audacity so that it is no longer discernible. In my audio assignment, I managed to change the pitch of my voice so that I sound like a chipmunk! Enjoy Unable to display content. Adobe F...
  4. Feng

    Voice Morphing!

    Completely alter your voice using audacity so that it is no longer discerable. You can use whatever method to achieve this effect – sing a song, tell a joke, recite a quote, etc etc. I took the infamous Carly Rae Jepson’s Call Me Maybe song...
  5. Feng

    Week 14 of Final Project

    Sunday, April 29 Goal: study as much as I possibly can. Oh, and I went to my first bridal shower. Sorry, some of these pictures are really blurry because I was trying to capture all the facial expressions of the bride-to-be but didn’t exactly go ...
  6. Feng

    TDC Week 14

    TDC112 video: Record a video of you drawing DS106 in bubble letters.  TDC111 audio: Record an audio epigraph which you would like to see carved on your headstone.  epigraph by feng_shui TDC110 image: Square is hip! Lose the rectangle. Share a photo w...
  7. Feng

    ds106 fave moments

    Make a two minute video featuring the best/fave moments in ds106. Oh man I’m going to miss doing these assignments.. I feel like I’ve learned a lot but can still sharpen up my video skills. So in this assignment, I’ve decided to go al...
  8. Feng

    Digital Diary – Final Project Analysis

    I’m not sure when I figured out what I wanted to do for my final project, but the main inspiration behind it came with the idea of blogging daily creates. At the end of each week, we are to blog at least three daily creates, and so I integrated t...
  9. Feng

    Week 13 of final project

    Sunday, April 22 It is rainy and cloudy outside and I’ve got a set of other problems — homework, studying, and presentations all coming up too soon. I have already created two more assignments which I will later complete with my own take on...
  10. Feng

    TDC Week 13

    TDC103 image: Take a picture of a word or sign that represents the kind of day you’re having. TDC101 image: Take a photo in which a mirror is a major element. TDC100 image: It’s the 100th Daily Create – Create a photo representing thi...
  11. Feng

    TDC WEEK 12

    TDC97 image: Take a photo of a bumper sticker; what is the relation to the vehicle it’s on?  South of the Border. The owner of the vehicle might reside in the southern states? TDC95 image: Take a photo from behind someone’s head looking at...
  12. Feng

    Week 12 of final project

    Sunday, April 15 It’s so HOT outside! My parents came today and brought me homemade food along with summer clothes and a passport for financial aid purposes. In return, I packed a suitcase of winter clothes and other materials that I no longer ne...
  13. Feng


    I am late on this blog post which should’ve been posted last week but it’s never too late to start blogging! Having finished watching all four videos of Everything Is A Remix, I am pretty neutral on the central idea of taking an existing ma...
  14. Feng

    week 11 of final project

    Sunday, April 8  Happy Easter!! My family doesn’t really celebrate this traditional holiday but I do because it holds religious significance for me. Anyway, I woke up spent the day chilling and doing homework at James’ apartment. (once aga...
  15. Feng

    Movie Scenes that Changed our Lives

    Last 5 stars! 30/30 Synopsis: For this assignment, select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on you. When you have selected those s...
  16. Feng

    week 11 of daily creates

    TDC90 image: Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another.  TDC88 image: Take a photo that includes repeating geometric figures.  ribbon TDC86 image: Draw love.  love is everywhere
  17. Feng

    1 Second Video

    Synopsis: How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this: I am really intrigued by these 1 second, 5 second, 30 second video assignments. They’re quick and fun. I couldn’t really think of an...
  18. Feng

    5 Second Film — Halo

    Synopsis: Make a supershort, 5-second film; basically enough time for one gag, bit, or joke. See examples (ALERT: Not G-rated, generally) at Or alternatively, try your hand at creating a 5 second version of a major movie. Who...
  19. Feng

    FMA music video

    Synopsis: Take a favorite cartoon or anime like show, take some clips, mash them together and add music to it. Try to pick out a specific theme in your clips that follow the theme of the music. Keep an eye out for changes in the music and plan your cli...
  20. Feng

    One Archetype, 5 Movies, 5 Seconds

    Synopsis: Create a five second video of one archetype from five different movies cutting together one second of each. Examples could include: Prisoners, Thieves, Beauty Queens, Kings, Robin Hoods, James Bonds, Bank Robbers, Assassins, Bad Boys, Kung F...
  21. Feng

    Video Assignments –?

    I know I have been slacking on the video assignments, given that the date has been extended to finish 30 stars for weeks 9, 10, and 11. Here are my list of video choices that I will work on for the rest of the week and I’ll make sure to have them...
  22. Feng

    week 10 of final project

    Sunday, April 1 April Fool’s! ’nuff said.  Saturday, March 31 Volleyball Tournament is here and I woke up late – around 8ish (because I was supposed to wake up at 7am to help set-up) Ouch. By the time 10 – 11 rolled around, we ...
  23. Feng

    Week 10 of daily creates

    TDC83 image: Sketch a place you’d rather be right now. Bonus points for colour! playing outdoors with friends. TDC80 image: Glamorize your ride with a photograph worthy of its service to you.  TDC79 image: Geoglogy is everywhere, parks, building...
  24. Feng

    Video Essay — Titanic

    Synopsis: For this assignment you need to select several scenes from your favorite film (or one of your favorites), and edit them together and comment on some of the filmic elements of the scenes? Why do you like these scenes? What strikes you about t...
  25. Feng

    Week 9 on Final Project

    Sunday, March 26. Nothing like an entire day to spend working on this week’s upcoming tests/assignments. At least, that’s what Sundays are for, right? #overwhelmed.  Saturday, March 25. Cherry blossoms festival day!! Last night we planned on waking up early in morning to take the metro. So we set our alarms at 8, or at ...

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