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  1. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap for 3/12/12 – 3/18/12

    Make A Creative Photo of Some Sort of Boundary ( Daily Create for 3/12/12 ) For the picture of some sort of boundary daily create I chose a to take a picture of my dorm room consisting of walls and doors. I chose to do this because both symbolize a sort of boundary, not in ...
  2. Colin Schulz

    Analyze a Movie

    Four analyze a movie assignment I chose to analyze Batman : The Dark Knight. I chose this movie because to be it is one of the best movies of all time, at least one of the best movies that i’ve ever seen. Above all I know for sure that it is one of the best ...
  3. Colin Schulz

    Audio Show Review

    I chose to do my audio show review on “The Drunk Tank”. I chose to review this show in particular because it was the one that made me laugh the most, and I strongly believe the entire show never had a dull moment. The members of the drunk show really did a great job editing ...
  4. Colin Schulz

    The Finale of LBD Radio

    After doing all the audio recording, my job was to edit the full project and do all the bumpers and one commercial. I edited our radio show using audacity. In audacity a stabilized the recording and made everyones voice somewhat close to one another in loudness, and I added multiple audio songs to capture the ...
  5. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap 2/27/12 – 3/4/2012

    If I had to be a animal, I would be a Dog ( Daily Create 2/28/12 ) For if you were a animal what would you be daily create I chose to make impressions of a dog. I chose a dog because I’m a dog lover, and dogs are a type of animal that are ...
  6. Colin Schulz

    Day 2 Of LBD Radio

    Tonight put the end to day two of putting together our radio show project. Tonight, my group and I met and did all the recordings needed for the radio project. The only thing left to do is edit the audio and place in some music and bumpers. I had a lot of fun doing this ...
  7. Colin Schulz

    Day One of LBD Radio

    In order to really get started on our project, my team members and I had to come up with a general idea of what we were doing, a team name, and of course our radio show name. We game to the conclusion that were doing to do a show about what people ( us ) ...
  8. Colin Schulz

    My Post on a Radio Show

    by After listening to this radio show I thought they did a great job with everything. What I thought was really cool was how they would switch back and forth between people’s voices without any pause. It was really cool … Continue reading
  9. Colin Schulz

    My Post on a Radio Show

    by After listening to this radio show I thought they did a great job with everything. What I thought was really cool was how they would switch back and forth between people’s voices without any pause. It was really cool … Continue reading

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