Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. dluce

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind

    Ugh. Not again. The thought invaded my mind as I laid on my bed. Yet another fight had broken out between my parents and my adopted brother, Jake. And of course, by “my parents” I mean my dad. I doubt my mom is doing anything except observing the byplay with a worried expression on her […]
  2. dluce

    Tutorial 2 – Time Lapse

    The time lapse assignment in the video assignment bank is one I had some fun completing, and I notice that it has one tutorial already posted for it. That tutorial, however, does not cover trying to screen capture video from a computer to use in the time lapse, so that is what I covered here. […]
  3. dluce

    Tutorial 1 – How To Chipmunk Voices

    This tutorial goes over one possible way to do the Chipmunk Video Assignment, which I found incredibly entertaining when completing it myself. It’s not a very difficult assignment with the right tools. Before you begin, you need to have Camtasia 8 or later – I haven’t seen Camtasia 7′s interface and I’m not sure how […]
  4. dluce

    Rapping on a Table – Chaplin Foley

    Or at least, I’m sure that’s what a lot of people did for this assignment in some way, it wasn’t too difficult to set up once I had the list of things I needed to add sound effects for. My final list looked like this: Footsteps entering onscreen Horse gets up and starts running (overlap […]
  5. dluce

    The Crossroads – Daily Create #19

    The intersection was deserted as I stood there, wondering. How did I get here? One second I was eating breakfast at a diner, the next – standing. Here. In… apparently Arizona, unless that shop front was merely advertising the city. I’d seen plenty of that kind of thing before, but it was also hot enough […]
  6. dluce

    No Name Post – Weekly Summary #4

    Couldn’t really think of a good title for this blog post, so I kind of copped out. I’ll dive right into the assignments: TDCs - Well, I managed to just straight-up forget the daily creates six days out of seven this week – I went on a nocturnal sleep schedule, so I’d go to bed right […]
  7. dluce

    Center, Right, Left – Reading Movies

    The two videos I watched were of zooms and one-point perspectives, and they gave a great number of examples of things I’d seen before – one point perspectives, in particular, had me thinking of the classic Scooby Doo chase scenes, where a series of doors line either end of a hallway, and the characters seemingly […]
  8. dluce

    And My Grade Fell Down. Weekly Summary #3

    Or at least, it will soon. I spent an hour setting up software on Monday, was out of town Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, came back exhausted from travelling Friday, and then simply ran out of time on Saturday-Sunday. No excuse besides that. Got the daily create finished through mobile upload on Thursday after editing on my laptop with […]
  9. dluce

    A Pale Imitation – Audio Assignment #2

    I chose May I Take Your Order, since I recognized that I could get that done in less than 10 minutes, and I did. I did it poorly, but it is infinitely better than getting a zero after the last two harrying days. Did a quick smash-and-grab recording with a short script and threw it […]
  10. dluce

    It Broke. Again. DS106 Audio Sound-Effects Story.

    We all know that moment when our computer crashes and we have to go fix it somehow. This file tells one such story. First, the computer crashes in the middle of typing. Then, the user unplugs the computer, followed by checking the inside of the case chassis – this involves removing the outer case, unscrewing […]
  11. dluce

    Rushed – Daily Create #12.

    I honestly didn’t have much inspiration for this – I picked a generic quote, and drew it up in GIMP, trying to stick to the style I saw. It’s not nearly as neat as the other artist’s style, though I feel I made it similar enough, with disjointed multiple lines used to make letters. Didn’t […]
  12. dluce

    Alone. – Daily Create #10

    When I’m feeling lonely, I count myself lucky that I have a great number of positive memories to draw on to chase that feeling away. Many of these memories come from stories I read or watch, specific moments that I have an emotional attachment to, where the author or producer did their job well, and […]
  13. dluce

    Destroyed my Coffemaker today – Daily Create #9

    The prompt said “vintage” and “old”, except that sort of thing is accomplished easily with the mentioned “cheesy sepia filter” or “black and white” imaging, so I decided to burn my image instead, using the literal burn tool in GIMP. I added a mostly-transparent yellow layer on top of the image afterwards to complete the […]
  14. dluce

    Through the Jungle of Technology – Design Safari

    I first went about looking for objects  with my mind on positive aspects – what works for a particular object? Or at least, what has worked for me personally? I came up with my first 2 objects this way – my main monitor (a Samsung SyncMaster T22B350) and my current mouse (a Razer Naga 2014 […]
  15. dluce

    Birth. Tragedy. Growth. Triumph. Design Assignment #3.

    These four elements are often the backbone of superhero origin stories – the film I chose for this assignment isn’t such an origin story, but it certainly contains these four elements, in that order. The protagonist is born to a loving family that is later torn away from him in a horrible accident (no, this is […]
  16. dluce

    Designing A New Kind of Design – TEDxPhoenix

    “An avenue to “better” is through a million, teeny tiny disruptions, whatever is sitting in front of you.” “…that the world is full of order that doesn’t necessarily deserve our respect.” Those two quotes represent what stood out most to me from this speech – the core of the idea Kelli Anderson presents, the idea that […]
  17. dluce

    I Wanna Be King of the Pirates! – Design Assignment #1

    Or so says Monkey D. Luffy (pronounced Loofy) whenever asked about his goals in life. Assignment here. One Piece, an anime that many people love, isn’t really one of my favorite series, but it does have compelling characters, Luffy being one of them. He has a very straightforward goal in One Piece’s universe, but that […]
  18. dluce

    Daily Create #8 – #7 Got Lost In Time

    Skipping number 7 because I honestly wasn’t able to get TDC909 working. It definitely wasn’t a 15-20min assignment, after trying to first download the Beatles video, convert it to a format that video editing software (in this case Movie Maker) would accept, trying to find images of me to stick in the video or make […]

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