Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. dniepoko

    And.. The End..

    This is my last post for this course, never thought it would end this quickly! Overall, I have enjoyed my time in this course. I truly learned a lot throughout the semester that I thought I was incapable of. This week we focused on our finals.   The Wire Season 4, Episodes 11,12, and 13- Namond Brice buys dinner for his friends. They
  2. dniepoko

    Thomas (Herc) Hauk

    I have most certainly changed throughout The Wire. Times are changing way too fast for me to grasp all the technology changes. Over time, I have realized things I have done wrong. No matter what I am dedicated to what I am doing, although I do tend to lose sight of what is wrong and what is right. For example, I
  3. dniepoko

    Thankful Herc

    Given everything that has happened, I thought it’d be best that I take the time to do this assignment on saying what I am thankful for in 10 seconds. So here it goes.. My friendships specifically Kima and Carver The experience I gained The good I tried to do The upper hand, I had on Royce Fuzzy Dunlop After being suspended,
  4. dniepoko

    Oh, Kevin

    For today’s daily create, we had to make a caption for Kevin, the penguin. Naturally, I think of The Wire.. then Omar pops into my head. Kevin got scared because he saw Omar, so he was yelling “Omar is coming y’all”  
  5. dniepoko

    Motivational Herc

    I decided to create my own assignment and make a motivational poster for Herc. Since Herc is always willing to do what is right, I think he is dedicated. Although Herc does break the rules when he thinks it is for the greater good. You can see my proce...
  6. dniepoko


    This assignment was perfect for Herc. Marlo stole Herc’s video camera, which Herc is risking his job over. Process: I used this website to create this poster. I downloaded the image of an old fashioned camera and the just uploaded it.
  7. dniepoko

    Motivational Herc Tutorial

    For the assignment I created on creating a motivational poster for a character from The Wire, I decided to do a tutorial. Here are the steps I used: Pick a character from The Wire. I picked Herc Find a picture you want to use. Then I uploaded the picture to this website And simply added the text and downloaded it.
  8. dniepoko

    Busy but thankful week!

    This week was about mashups, remixes and our final project. This week I submitted my two daily create ideas and did the two tutorials as well as completed the assignments.   The Wire Episode 5,6,7  The disappearance of Lex in a alleyway is getting more attention from police and the corner boys. Namond asserts that Chris is turning his victims into
  9. dniepoko

    Herc’s ID

    For this assignment on Herc, I thought it would be good to do an ID. Here is Herc’s business card, similar to what I’d think he’d handed out to Marlo in episode 8. Process: I searched for a business card of Baltimore Police and found a template, then I uploaded it into pixlr and erased the name already on the card. Since I
  10. dniepoko

    Favorite Team Mashup

    This assignment was funny, I enjoyed making it so much I did my tutorial on it. You can see my tutorial here. I decided to combine the three favorites teams of my household; the Redskins, the Bears, and the Capitals. You can see my process in my tutori...
  11. dniepoko

    Favorite Team Mashup Tutorial

    For this assignment you have to combine the logos of two or more of your favorite sports teams. The steps I used to create this are as followed. Pick your favorite sports teams Mine was: Redskins, Capitals and the Bears Decide your design I picked to have all the logos connected to a bear that was standing up wearing a
  12. dniepoko

    Finding Nemo

    For today’s daily create, we had to summarize a movie in two panels. I decided to do Finding Nemo because it was so fresh in my mind. I picked the two most monumental parts where Nemo gets taken and then when he is found. It really does sum up the movie!  
  13. dniepoko

    The Evolution of Herc

    This assignment was perfect to show how much Herc has changed since season 1. Although there were so many moments I could have picked from, I picked what stood out to me the most. The first thing I remember of Herc was the incident with the desk. Then, I loved when Herc was talking about how different the times are,
  14. dniepoko


    Today’s daily create we left blank intentionally, which reminded me of some quotes. “It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated  
  15. dniepoko

    Icon Description

    For today’s daily create we had to create a story out of icons. This was the Sunday right before I had three tests and two labs. All I did was wake up drink coffee, study, sleep, more coffee, and stay up all night.  
  16. dniepoko

    Thinker’s Plan

    Today’s daily create was about the thinker’s plan. I am constantly thinking about my three exams coming up, but all I can really think of is break and some home cooked food! That is what will be getting me through till Tuesday evening. November 21st  I will get through Monday and Tuesday where I have three tests and two labs,
  17. dniepoko

    Military DS106 Wallpaper

    This assignment was a remix. This was actually a lot of fun, and not nearly as hard as I thought it would be! For this assignment, I had to create a ds106 wallpaper, but boot camp it as the remix. So I just thought of ideas as a flag in the background with camo around it.   Process: I downloaded the flag
  18. dniepoko

    Two Weeks Too Many

    This time we had two weeks to complete everything for week 11 and week 12. We are still focusing on videos as our assignments as well as preparing for the final assignment. Week 11 Daily Creates (2) The Wire- Season 3 Episodes 11 and 12. Season 4 Episode 1. Wow… I did not see that coming! Episode 11 was a very heartbreaking
  19. dniepoko

    Welcome to the web Herc

    I picked Herc for my character for our final assignment. Since season 1, I have always loved Herc, you can see him evolve throughout the season. For him I decided to create Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and a Linkedin account. Herc seems to be amazed by technology when he was using the face editing software with the kids. So he is new to the technology world,
  20. dniepoko

    Bubbles Swede

    For this assignment, we had to create a swede video of a scene from The Wire. This was actually so much fun! Luckily, some of my LLC members enjoy acting, so they volunteered to be in the video! We all sat together and I showed them some of my favorite scenes from The Wire. They picked Bubbles stealing drugs, which I
  21. dniepoko

    Meme and hello web

    November 12th Mouse Meme Such an accurate meme of my life! November 15-  When did your open web life start? Can you remember what you typed first? Tell us the story.   The first time when i entered the web world I made my first social account with Facebook. It was a long time ago. All of my friends had it
  22. dniepoko

    Prez Video Essay

    For this assignment we had to do a video essay, commentary. I picked the scene before the incident that happened in the classroom. Here is the original video without any commentary. I decided to focus on the camera angles, this was actually a little more difficult assignment. I mentioned how the camera angles can tell the story and show who is
  23. dniepoko

    Life as a Dog

    I decided to create my own assignment, so I was thinking of something that would be fun to do. I thought about what it would be life if I spent a day as an animal. Of course, I did a day in the life of a Niepokoj dog. I thought about what I would like to do as a dog.
  24. dniepoko

    Life of Colbie Joy

    This assignment was perfect! Someone special to me is my niece, Colbie Joy. She just entered our lives in August, but has already made such an impact in this world. Since she lives so close to UMW, I get to see her often, which can only mean a million pictures will be taken of her! I created this video montage
  25. dniepoko

    Reflection and Surrounding

    November 5th- Experimental Water Photo I absolutely love this picture with the sunset reflecting on the water. This was as Smith Mountain Lake, by far the most beautiful place I’ve been.   November 7th- Sound Map For this daily create, we had to listen to what was around us. I was in my dorm, listening to music. It was such a
  26. dniepoko

    It’s a video type of week

    This week we focused on reading movies and creating videos. At first I was a little hesitant, but in the end it was not bad at all! Creating the videos was actually kinda fun and entertaining.   The Wire Look, Listen, Analyze Episode 8- The fight between Avon and Stringer was bound to happen, so much has occurred and they
  27. dniepoko

    Arcade Fire and Talking Heads inspiration

    Here is a video that inspired me. You can located the original post here. There was so much effort that went into this assignment, and it was very apparent! I was so inspired how she made her own twist to this assignment. It was inspiring seeing how much thought was put in and see it pay out well! This is
  28. dniepoko

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    The scene that stood out to me the most this week was the ending scene in Episode 8 where Avon and Stringer fight.   1. Analyze the camera work When the volume is off and you are just watching, the camera work such as the angles become so much more apparent. Here the focus is on Avon, showing he has
  29. dniepoko

    Omar Little-Pumped Up Kicks, Inspiration

    Here is a video that inspired me. You can locate the original here. This video was so inspiring to me because it make the song have a completely different feel by just adding images/videos of The Wire in it. I love how well put together the video is, all the scenes flow very well together. The scenes even seemed
  30. dniepoko

    Save the Cows!

    For this assignment a public service announcement was created. I had a lot of trouble thinking of what to do for this one. So a friend gave me the idea of creating it with this cow video. Process: I searched for this cow video that I saw a while ago with the running and jumping in the fields. I then

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