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  1. Downes

    At the Hockey Game

    January 6, 2019. Andrea watches the hockey game. Another loss for the Senators, but the second period was good, at least. And we got home without losing a tire. So, yay.
  2. Downes


    January 5, 2019. Spent the Saturday working on an Electron RSS reader. Again, the code on the Udemy course was corrupted. I recreated it, but something doesn't work. Bleah. These are the geraniums in the kitchen, still surviving.
  3. Downes

    Bathroom Tile

    January 4, 2019. I'm still in deep focus mode studying Electron for the holidays. So the only photo for today is this one of the tile on the bathroom floor. I've spent enough time studying it, surely it deserves inclusion in the photo album. https://fl...
  4. Downes

    Eagle Moon

    December 3. I bought this lithograph by Roy Henry Vickers at an art shop in Metrotown in 1990 when I was in Vancouver - yes, it is the same trip when I attended the Connectivism conference. I also attended a CFS conference that week, stayed in New West...
  5. Downes

    A New Year

    January 1, 2019. Ice sparkles on the trees out back as the New Year comes in bright and frosty. It was a day of playing on the computer, still learning Electron.
  6. Downes

    Grocery Day

    January 2, 2019. Like everyone else, it seems, we chose today to go into Costco and stock up on groceries. Today was otherwise a rest day - I didn't even do any work on Electron (I'm waiting for Udemy to fix a corrupted download file).
  7. Downes

    Alex Again

    December 30, 2018. Pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Spent then day working on Electron, then managed to snap a quick Alex picture in the kitchen.
  8. Downes


    December 29, 2018. I've been pretty focused on learning electron and haven't been thinking of things like photos. Still, I managed to take this one of Alex in the kitchen.
  9. Downes


    December 28, 2018. We finally had our Christmas dinner with family as they came to visit us and we all went out to a local restaurant. Cold day today - this is a weed frozen in ice as viewed from the bathroom window.
  10. Downes

    Last Day of the Year

    December 31, 2018. We got the car back today - yay - and did some shopping at St. Laurant while we were in the city. Then back home, took a nap, set up the new docking port, and watched videos. Yeah - New Years and Netflix.
  11. Downes


    December 27, 2018. This is Rideau Centre the day after Boxing Day. We took the train into the city and rented a car so we could do shopping and other errands. We also checked in at the dealership to make sure they repaired the car (and in another photo...
  12. Downes


    December 26, 2018. This is my office, where I play, erm, I mean, work. The inside lights are soft, I get a nice view of lawn and trees outside the window, and the main idea is to make it comfortable. It works. Today I spent time setting up Windows Hype...
  13. Downes


    December 25, 2018. This, on the screen, is play for me. Specifically, I am learning Electron, a Javascript-NPM based framework for building desktop applications. It's just at the right level for me - a challenge, because a lot of the scripts don't work...
  14. Downes

    Mark Stone

    December 23, 2018. We discovered today that it is impossible to find a car to rent on Christmas Eve. So we'll be spending the next couple of days at home. This is the Mark Stone t-shirt that was a giveaway at the Senators game we attended. It was good ...
  15. Downes

    Catching Up

    December 24, 2018. I'm the sort of person who gets really immersed in what I am doing and forget to do other things. That's been the case with my E-Learning 3.0 course, which completely captured my imagination, and while I was (mostly) taking my photos...
  16. Downes

    Hockey Night

    December 22, 2018. In the afternoon I had the wrap-up video for E-Learning 3.0 and in the evening we went to the hockey game. On the way home we blew out a tire on the Queensway. CAA came through with the tow and Uber got us back home to Casselman for ...
  17. Downes

    Indian Food

    December 21, 2018. The HCI team went out for lunch today to an Indian restaurant near our office. I'm not really a fan of Christmas events at work but it's nice to have some different food.
  18. Downes


    December 13, 2018. This lovely photo is Alex drinking from a water bottle in the sink. That's my coffee cup beside him. We do give the cats nice fresh water in their water bowls, but they prefer this. Because cats.
  19. Downes


    December 17, 2018. Shot out of the window at a red light on Blair on the way home from work. My days these days are focused on my course and on gRSShopper. It's going really well, but I'm quite distracted by it (and not paying attention to things like ...
  20. Downes


    December 16, 2018. This is one of those days where I was so busy I only had time for a quick photo outside the front door. I've been making a lot of progress on gRSShopper, integrating badges and blockchain.
  21. Downes


    December 14, 2018. I've fallen behind in my photos of the day - just so busy with the course (that's a good thing, not a bad thing). I took this photo on the way to work, thinking "every day, I get to go for a drive in the country." I really do appreci...
  22. Downes


    December 11, 2018. This is a view from No Man's Sky, a game I'm still playing several years after it came out. Those who panned it on its first release would eb astonished to see how it has grown. I find it a really relaxing way to spend an hour or so ...
  23. Downes

    Tail Lights

    December 10, 2018. I spent a day working on my summary paper on Community, without much success. Cold day outside. This is at Blair Road on the way home.
  24. Downes

    Ottawa Rising

    December 8, 2018. I spent the day working on the badge infrastructure (yes, I'm still bogged down on that) but the highlight of the day was the Senators game in the evening (I will be happy when the team moves downtown - it's a long and stressful drive...
  25. Downes

    On the Hoist

    December 7, 2018. That's my car on the hoist, finally getting snow tires. So it was a short day in the office, focused mostly on improving the feed reading workflow (but today I actually made some progress).

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