Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ds106_aaliyah

    Progression Vlog

    Finals week for me begun bright and early on Monday morning! For my last assignment of the semester, I drew inspiration from the ds106 assignment bank although it did take a while. I originally wanted to vlog one day of my personal life but I […]
  2. @ds106_aaliyah

    Final Weekly Check-in

    Where has the time gone? The class has flown by so quickly! During the first week, I was extremely overwhelmed as I was going to be balancing two classes that had a lot of content in a little less than five weeks. Thankfully, I managed […]
  3. @ds106_aaliyah

    Weekly check-in IV

    Towards the end of the week, we were required to complete video assignments worth twelve stars. I was shocked that we did not have any assigned daily creates for our end if the week assignment; I checked multiple times and on different days but nothing. […]
  4. @ds106_aaliyah

    Reflection: Video Production

    For our last required reflection this week I watched four videos to change or influence my perspective on video production. The first video I watched was created by Kubrick titled the One-Point Perspective. This video has multiple clips of movies combined into one that was […]
  5. @ds106_aaliyah

    Favorite Sounds

      The assignment, A collection of your favorite sounds, is worth two stars. In order to complete this assignment, I had to choose from four to five of my favorite sounds and compile them into an audio file. My favorite sounds include rain, thunder, waves, […]
  6. @ds106_aaliyah

    Midweek III

      This week was all about Audio. So far I have learned the basics and learned how we are able to manipulate sound and the human voice. The first assignment that I completed was a reflection of Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad speech or a quick lesson on the […]
  7. @ds106_aaliyah

    Moon Graffiti

        The Moon Graffiti assignment consisted of a story, “In Event of Moon Disaster“, told on a podcast. This story was written by Jonathan Mitchell and edited by Hillary Frank. It was based on Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldwin’s visit to the moon on July […]
  8. @ds106_aaliyah

    The Pictureless Gap

        This week’s lesson revolves around audio and its resources. Watching two YouTube videos from Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad gave me insight on his view of Audio. The first video deals with the concept of co-imagining. Abumrad starts off by stating that the coolest thing about radio is what it lacks which […]
  9. @ds106_aaliyah

    Weekly Check-in II

      There were a variety of assignments arranged for the second week of the course. Managing the weekly checklist was a little bit more manageable than the week prior. I started off working at the end of the list completing the book cover assignment and […]
  10. @ds106_aaliyah

    Design Blitz

    Assignment prompt: Carry your camera with you this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least five of the eight concepts listed below (from the Adobe article): Alignment Hierarchy Contrast Repetition Proximity Balance Color Space   This week’s assignment was […]

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