Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @erinnmarieg

    Confused Emotions

    TDC1655 Contrasting emotions asked for the created to look for an image that shows a clear emotion and then overlay text of the opposite emotion on that image. Here is my creation:
  2. @erinnmarieg

    Week 6: Digital Story Critique

    These week I chose to explore  for a video to critique. I specifically searched for videos that discuss deeper learning and collaboration because of this week’s Lankshear and Knobel reading. I landed on a video titled Deepening Text Analysis Through Student Talk. (For some reason the Embed Code wasn’t working) Based on Lankshear and Knobel’s appendix in … Continue reading "Week 6: Digital Story Critique"
  3. @erinnmarieg

    Week 6 Reading Response: Push and Pull

    This week’s required reading was Lankshear and Knobel (2011) Ch7: Social Learning, “Push” and “Pull,” and Building Platforms for Collaborative Learning.   For some reason I found myself going back to the article throughout the week, and adding on once more annotations were added. I think part of it is there are so many different beliefs … Continue reading "Week 6 Reading Response: Push and Pull"
  4. @erinnmarieg

    Week 5 Reading Response: DigStory Definitions

    This weeks required reading Jenkins (2008) Afterword: Communities of Readers, Clusters of Practices discusses the importance of seeing technology and new literacies not just as forms of entertainment or distraction but as tools to be used in the classroom to make lessons more meaningful. It goes on to explain that these tools can be used to … Continue reading "Week 5 Reading Response: DigStory Definitions"
  5. @erinnmarieg


    Here is my take on today’s Daily Create titled Oh…Yeah…. It asked the creator to record our best and most dramatic Oh Yeah, and share. This was my first time doing editing via Audacity, and I have to admit it was pretty fun! Also, as an aside I forgot to blog my Daily Create from last week titled … Continue reading "Oh…Yeah…"
  6. @erinnmarieg

    History All Around

    For this week’s DS106 Design Assignment I chose What Are You Missing Nearby. I picked this particular assignment because it felt like something I could realistically use in an elementary school classroom. To complete the assignment I had to find at lest four places to visit nearby. I’m currently living in Boston, and I love teaching history/social … Continue reading "History All Around"
  7. @erinnmarieg

    Week 4 Reading Response: Blog, Blog, Blog

    This week’s reading by Davies and Merchant (2007) was titled Ch8: Looking From the Inside Out: Academic Blogging as a New Literacy.  The researchers study their own experiences with blogging, which at first didn’t sound much like research to me, but it really worked for them. As they explain it is a type of “insider research” (Lakshear … Continue reading "Week 4 Reading Response: Blog, Blog, Blog"
  8. @erinnmarieg

    Tour the States Daily Create

    Today’s Daily Create was titled Print Out a YouTube Video. Using the supplied bookmarklet I was quickly able to print the Tour the States YouTube video my students love to watch during snack time. Not totally sure when I would use this feature, but it produces some really cool images!
  9. @erinnmarieg

    Into the Sun

    I LOVE a good sunset, so I couldn’t pass up a chance to post a sunset picture for today’s Daily Create.  Here is a sunset in Croatia-one of the best countries I’ve ever visited!
  10. @erinnmarieg

    Week 3 Reading Response: DIY Media & Project Based Learning

    This week we were asked to read Lankshear and Knobel (2008) Ch1: DIY Media: A Contextual Background and Some Contemporary Themes. In this chapter Lankshear and Knobel explain understanding student’s media practices can help educators create learning opportunities that students connect to, and find meaningful. Much of what was discussed in this chapter brought me back … Continue reading "Week 3 Reading Response: DIY Media & Project Based Learning"

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