Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ivania Martinez


    After a lot of thought and a lot of stress from finals week, I decided I’d share with you my obsession for Fernando Torres with you. Not many people are really aware of it… and by not many people I mean EVERY who knows me is aware of this fact. I learned he existed when ...
  2. Ivania Martinez


    I know these create assignments are late, but for my last one I chose fanfiction through an un-scene story, where I get to pick a minor character from a movie or TV show and write what they were doing before they entered the scene and after. I thought a good way of doing it would ...
  3. Ivania Martinez


    THIS assignment gave me the freedom to take a photo and caption it, so I dug back in my files to find a good photo. What I came up with ended up being a picture of our rugby coach, Kris, from this past March at MARFU Final Four. I can’t remember if this picture is ...
  4. Ivania Martinez

    brainstorming booo

    I’m an obsessive person. Maybe the more optimistic way of putting it is to say that I’m really passionate about the things I love. However, I can’t decide what I want to do this fandom project about. I will try to list the things that I have been passionate about… Early Childhood The Sleeping Beauty ...
  5. Ivania Martinez

    Dear person who will consider this class

    Dear person who will consider taking DS106, I have a few words of wisdom for you. First of, don’t be afraid to take a class simply because the discipline is computer science. Check out ratemyprofessor and understand that sometimes their information is unreliable and that CPSC 106 is worth taking a risk. Second of all ...
  6. Ivania Martinez

    El Mashup IDEA

    The Mary Wash Women’s Rugby Team just went to Nationals in Florida.  This means that I wasn’t able to work on anything from last Thursday through today, since we got back this morning after a long bus ride. Bear with me as I try to piece this together because I’ve been swamped with too much ...
  7. Ivania Martinez

    POWER TREK: Star Trek + Power Rangers

    I realize this isn’t as original as I had hoped it would be.  However, once I’d started the photoshoping, I felt the need to change the image. The final results: Two rangers prepared to save Spock from a ranger gone zombie. Let me name the characters by series name form left to right: Spock (Star ...
  8. Ivania Martinez

    iloveeverythingabout MEGAN MCMILLAN

    Megan McMillan thinks I’m a creep. This is our friendship photo on facebook: I came up with this master plan that my next video for my final project would be about Megan McMillan – kind of like a documentary.  However, I meant to text Charlotte and ask if I could borrow her camera at practice ...
  9. Ivania Martinez

    Our Deepest Fear…

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light – not our darkness – that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world; there is nothing enlightened about shrinkened so that other people won’t feel unsecure around you. ...
  10. Ivania Martinez


    In response to Praxis 2.0: Escaping the edu-travelogue”, my biggest reaction is to how she broke down the limited freedom of students. “School doesn’t encourage breaking the law” sounds like something illicit is happening, but instead the message I got was that the author defends the freedom of creativity that students should be allowed. The ...
  11. Ivania Martinez

    Living the Dream!

    The Mary Washington Women’s Rugby team hasn’t made it to Nationals in the past 5 years. In the fall of 2008, the record held for over a decade was broken we they placed second in the state tournament. This past November, they entered the Virginia Rugby Union state tournament again, known as The Sandy & ...
  12. Ivania Martinez

    A Survival Story in Pictures

    Ladies and gents, I survived two epic thing over the course of last week and weekend: Junior Ring Week and MARFU’s Final Four That being said, the UMW Women’s Rugby team is going to Nationals in Florida!!! Here are some fun images from the weekend, credit goes to DMac, Megan McMillan’s father. Then there was ...
  13. Ivania Martinez


    I warn you now that I’m going to tell you this funny story before getting to the actual point: the lack of SCHOOL SPIRIT . So once again it’s that time of the year where juniors get pranked. The t-shirts that Mary Wash gave us are ugly to say the least. Sorry if you’re the ...
  14. Ivania Martinez

    Tumblr About: Grimm Brothers’ Tales

    If you’ve never checked out Tumblr, I can honestly say that you’re missing out on an e-cultural movement. Yes, I did just make e-cultural up, but maybe if I google it I will find a definition on the web. On Tumblr’s “About Us” section, they rave about being able to “effortlessly share anything. Instead, I ...
  15. Ivania Martinez

    POPular Documentaries

    Our group, Dexterous Strangers, created a show about different pop artists.  For this reason alone, we called our segment POPular Documentaries.  We first started by talking about Lady Gaga, who is a huge deal now a days. Through the audio you’ll hear about anything from Britney Spears to the Beatles. Dexterous Strangers: Charlotte Elizabeth Matt ...
  16. Ivania Martinez

    Video of my break

    This is the first post for my project. I know I said I’d use stop motion, but it was hard to take a series of pictures over break because I was either not doing anything, at the dentist getting my biannual cleaning done or doing something equally boring that I couldn’t take pictures of, like ...
  17. Ivania Martinez

    The Road

        Have you ever read Cormac McCarthy’s book, The Road?  How about watched its film adaptation directed by John Hillcoat? If you’ve never experienced this movie or book about a father and his son surviving through post apocalyptic times, I suggest you suck up the courage to do so.  I remember when I was ...
  18. Ivania Martinez

    Playing with Stop Motion

    This is the first video that I edited, in which I added actual film. It’s short and boring, since it’s only of my walk on Seacobeck street to campus. As I learn how to use all of the features that Adobe Premiere Pro provides, I will do b...
  19. Ivania Martinez

    Letter to Google Analytics

    Dear Google Analytics, You have been so wonderful in helping me see how many people visit my blog, the countries they’re in and what posts have been viewed the most. As great as you have been, you had told me that my blog’s visits had gone over 300 (I remember being at 299 and wishing ...
  20. Ivania Martinez

    Stop Motion Videos

    For my project I want to do stop motion videos. My idea is that each video will describe a specific day of the week. For me, every day is different. Some days are boring, others hold some excitement to them. I am not sure when I want to start because I want to make sure ...
  21. Ivania Martinez

    Sound Effects

    Sound Effects: Alien TV Alien randomly turns on the TV and sees a commercial talking about the financing of a spaceship, before seeing the spaceship depart in the commercial.
  22. Ivania Martinez

    Visual and Design Features Overview

    I’m first to admit that I slacked and could have done more commenting on photos and blog posts.  For that, I am sorry. I can say that I’ve really enjoyed the daily shoot assignment. It had brought up talent in many people and helped others explore visual art. Some of my favorite photos were these: ...
  23. Ivania Martinez

    Four Icon Challenge

    Can you guess the movie? Here are your hints: Black urn with silver studs on the edges Love Letter(s) 3 Best Friends Irish flag Any guesses?  Well if you thought P.S. I Love You starring Gerard Butler opposite of Hilary Swank, you were correct.  I shall explain. The black urn with silver studs represents the ...
  24. Ivania Martinez


    The quality looks rough but it adds to the effect. How does this icon personify me?  Well as you may have noticed, I don’t like pants.  Yes, they’re necessary and keep you warm, but they’re not for me.  When I was little, my mom and our neighbor would go to aerobic classes together looking really ...
  25. Ivania Martinez

    The time my bathroom caught on fire

    FIRE ALARMS REALLY DO COME IN HANDY! This past Saturday night I had to put out a fire that blazed on my bathroom wall because a friend had accidentally pulled the towels into the lit candle. So much for trying to make the house pretty with candles… hahahahahahahaha I put it out with the help ...
  26. Ivania Martinez

    Happy World Wide Nutella Day!

    Today is possibly the most delicious day of the year. While I was at Giant buying Nutella, I explained to the cashier what today was and her response was: “That would explain why everyone has been buying a ton of Nutella since Thursday.” Yeah, it seems I’m not the only obsessive student. You must be ...
  27. Ivania Martinez


    It was a little hard to find a picture of depth today, specially because I wanted to be completely original. At the end, I ended up taking a picture of my wall shelf, which is pretty awesome and full of books and movies.

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